Merry Christmas
( Naar de Nederlandse vertaling.)
This small cardboard record is titled Jingle Bells and is one of the two recently discovered Durium records. It was recorded by Phil Spitalny's Music. It is one of the two known small cardboard records that were published by the Durium Products Inc. New York in December 1931. The other record is titled Silent Night. It is well possible that more records in this Merry Christmas series were published by Durium, but up to now, I only found these two items.
Both records were offered me during the July 2005 annual convention of the IAJRC ( International Association of Jazz Record Collectors) in Copenhagen (Denmark). When I saw both small records, I suspected both were unknown up to now, and that was true.
Durium Products Inc. was a record company, incorporated into the Irwin-Wasy Advertising Agency, a publicity agency managed by Chicago stockholders. This Durium company released the well known Hit of the week records and numerous records for export to Europe or Latin America. But as the parent company was an advertisement agency it also published numerous advertisement and custom records. Thanks to Kurt Nauck, who sent me his Durium notes, and a lot of record collectors, world wide, I could finally make a list of these cardboard records and publish it in my Durium Advertisement and Custom Records Discography ( now out of print ). The US records are now available in a free online discography.
What about these small Christmas records? Both were free gifts for the Junior Home Magazine, a magazine for parents and children. Two other small Durium records, titled To All Parents: An Important Message and Christmas Suggestion, were made as promos for this magazine. A spoken sales talk on the Christmas Suggestion record says : A yearly subscription to Junior Home, the magazine for parents and children is a very finest Christmas gift you can select for young children and their mothers. Such a gift carries a loving remembrance each month for a whole year. It is a gift that children on your list will love and the parents appreciate. It will make them happy and makes you glad when you see the pleasure and benefit resulting for your so thoughtful gifts. A very attractive Christmas card in full colors with your name careful written in as the giver will be send free when requested. One subscription costs $ 2,50. Two or more gift subscriptions only $ 2,00 each. What can you give that will go so far and give so much pleasure for a whole year as a subscription to Junior Home magazine.
It seems as if these small 4-inch (10 cm ) Merry Chirstmas records were included into the December cover of the Junior Home Magazine.
Phil Spitalny was the director of the Durium studio orchestras during 1931 and 1932 and he recorded a lot of recordings for Durium. He was born in Odessa ( Rusland ) in November 1890 and passed away in October 1970. He got some fame as the leader of a sweet band, that contained only women -an All Women Band, famous in those days. He had his own radio program during the mid 1930s, titled The Hour of Charme in which his wife Evelyn performed as Evelyn and her Magic violin. They retired late 1940s and lived in Miami Beach for years. They recorded for Durium, but also for Victor, Brunswick, Perfect, Columbia and Vogue.The vocal group you hear are The Eton Boys, a quartet featuring Earl Smith, Art Gentry, Jack Day and Chas.Day.
Phil Spitalny also recorded the tune Jingle Bells in November 1931 together with Time On My Hands, which was released as a weekly Hit of the week record on Thursday ( the regular day to publish the Hit of the week) the 17th of December 1931, with Jingle Bells as an extra to complete the extra playing times of the average record.

Both records were offered me during the July 2005 annual convention of the IAJRC ( International Association of Jazz Record Collectors) in Copenhagen (Denmark). When I saw both small records, I suspected both were unknown up to now, and that was true.

Phil Spitalny was the director of the Durium studio orchestras during 1931 and 1932 and he recorded a lot of recordings for Durium. He was born in Odessa ( Rusland ) in November 1890 and passed away in October 1970. He got some fame as the leader of a sweet band, that contained only women -an All Women Band, famous in those days. He had his own radio program during the mid 1930s, titled The Hour of Charme in which his wife Evelyn performed as Evelyn and her Magic violin. They retired late 1940s and lived in Miami Beach for years. They recorded for Durium, but also for Victor, Brunswick, Perfect, Columbia and Vogue.The vocal group you hear are The Eton Boys, a quartet featuring Earl Smith, Art Gentry, Jack Day and Chas.Day.

All records, mentioned in this blog, the small advertisement records with Christmas suggestion, the Junior Home Magazine promos are reissued for the very first time in the third volume of The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings (Arch 3004) by Archeophone.
I wrote about this great set before: find these contributions at my link site filed as Hit of the week. These records are listed too in my online discography.
I wrote about this great set before: find these contributions at my link site filed as Hit of the week. These records are listed too in my online discography.
It Could Happen To you - THE JACOBS BROTHERS featuring Sam Nijveen, Maup Cohen, Lucien Grignard and Piet Kefkens violin, Lo Broekhuizen viola, Jules de Jong cello, Pim Jacobs piano, Ruud Jacobs bass and Cees See drums. Recorded in Hilversum (The Netherlands) the 13th of June 1958.

Time exposure for the 25th of December:
It Could Happen To you - THE JACOBS BROTHERS featuring Sam Nijveen, Maup Cohen, Lucien Grignard and Piet Kefkens violin, Lo Broekhuizen viola, Jules de Jong cello, Pim Jacobs piano, Ruud Jacobs bass and Cees See drums. Recorded in Hilversum (The Netherlands) the 13th of June 1958.

Time exposure for the 25th of December:
- pu-leeze mr. hemingway = guy lombardo royal canadians
Keep swinging
Hans Koert

pim jacobs-ruud jacobs/the jacob brothers in jazz = r. crumb cheap suit serenaders/hot tunes = early brazilian masters of the guitar/1921-1930 = howard rumsey lighthouse all-stars/sunday jazz a la lighthouse = sonny rollins/the bridge = hit of the week/the complete hit of the week recordings - volume 3 (2) = roy hargrove-christian mcbride-stephen scott/parker's mood = carmen miranda/compilation (1939-45) = billie holiday/billie's blues = jesse van ruller european quintet = izaias e seus choroes/o fino do bandolim = hugh & karl farr/hot 'n' bluesy fiddleguitar and twinguitar duets
Nederlands ( To the English translation )
Dit kleine kartonnen plaatje is getiteld Jingle Bells en is één van de twee onlangs ontdekte Durium plaatjes. Het werd opgenomen door Phil Spitalny's Music. Het is één van de twee plaatjes, die door de Durium Products Inc. New York in December 1931 uitgebracht werden. Het andere is getiteld: Silent Night. Het is goed mogelijk dat er meer van dit soort plaatjes uitgebracht zijn in de serie Merry Christmas; tot nu toe zijn er twee boven water gekomen. Beide plaatjes kreeg ik aangeboden tijdens de jaarlijkse conventie van de IAJRC ( International Association of Jazz Record Collectors) in Kopenhagen (Denemarken ) in juli 2005. Toen ik ze zag, dacht ik al dat ze wel eens onbekend zouden kunnen zijn en dat vermoeden bleek juist.
Durium Products Inc. was een platenmaatschappij, opgericht door beursspeculanten uit Chicago. Dit Durium bedrijf bracht ook de bekende Hit of the week platen uit en platen voor export naar Europa en Latijns-Amerika. Aangezien het moederbedrijf een reclamebureau was, brachten ze ook reclame- en gelegenheidsplaatjes uit. Dankzij Kurt Nauck, wiens aantekeningen ik kreeg, en een handvol verzamelaars, uit de hele wereld, kon ik deze reclameplaatjes beschrijven en publiceren in mijn Durium Advertisment and Custom Records Discography ( nu uitverkocht). De Amerikaanse reclameplaatjes zijn nu online te vinden in mijn gratis discografie.
Wat kan ik nog meer over deze kerstplaatjes vertellen? Beide lijken gratis bijgevoegd te zijn bij het Junior Home Magazine, een blad voor ouders en kinderen. Twee andere plaatjes, uit diezelfde periode, getiteld To All Parents: An important Message en Christmas Suggestion, waren gemaakt en verspreid ter promotie van het blad. Een gesproken reclameboodschap op Christmas Suggestion zegt: A yearly subscription to Junior Home, the magazine for parents and children is a very finest Christmas gift you can select for young children and their mothers. Such a gift carries a loving remembrance each month for a whole year. It is a gift that children on your list will love and the parents appreciate. It will make them happy and makes you glad when you see the pleasure and benefit resulting for your so thoughtful gifts. A very attractive Christmas card in full colors with your name careful written in as the giver will be send free when requested. One subscription costs $ 2,50. Two or more gift subscriptions only $ 2,00 each. What can you give that will go so far and give so much pleasure for a whole year as a subscription to Junior Home magazine. ( = een jaarabonnement op Junior Home, het blad voor ouders en kinderen is een ideaal kerstgeschenk voor jonge kinderen en hun moeders. Zo'n blad is een maandelijks terugkerende herinnering aan uw gift. De kinderen en ouders zullen het waarderen. Het maakt ze blij en je zult het fijn vinden als je de resultaten ontdekt van je geschenk. Een mooie kerstkaart in kleur met je naam er netjes opgeschreven wordt op verzoek gratis meegeleverd. Eén abonnement kost $ 2.50. Twee of meer kosten maar $ 2.00 elk. Kun je een geschenk bedenken dat zo veel biedt en zo lang plezier geeft, dan een jaarabonnement op Junior Home Magazine? )
Phil Spitalny was de leider van de Durium studio orkesten uit die periode 1931 - 1932 en hij nam veel platen op voor Durium. Hij was geboren in Odessa ( Rusland ) in november 1890 en overleed in oktober 1970. Zijn ouders waren dus Russische imigranten. Hij maakte naam als leider van een zgn. sweetband, waarvan de leden allemaal vrouwen waren; een All-Women Band. Hij had halverwege de jaren dertig een eigen radioprogramma getiteld The Hour of Charme waarin zijn vrouw Evelyn optrad als Evelyn and her Magic violin. Ze gingen eind jaren veertig rentenieren in Miami, Florida. Ze namen niet alleen platen op voor Durium, maar ook voor Victor, Brunswick, Perfect, Columbia en Vogue. De zanggroep die je hoort waren de Eton Boys, een zangkwartet bestaande uit Earl Smith, Art Gentry, Jack Day en Chas. Day.
Phil Spitalny nam het nummer Jingle Bells ook op in november 1931 samen met Time On My Hands, welke beide uitgebracht werden op een wekelijkse Hit of the week plaat op donderdag ( de dag dat Hit of the weeks in de krantenkiosk lagen) 17 december 1931, waarbij Jingle Bells diende als (gratis) opvulling voor de twee minuten extra speelduur.

pim jacobs-ruud jacobs/the jacob brothers in jazz = r. crumb cheap suit serenaders/hot tunes = early brazilian masters of the guitar/1921-1930 = howard rumsey lighthouse all-stars/sunday jazz a la lighthouse = sonny rollins/the bridge = hit of the week/the complete hit of the week recordings - volume 3 (2) = roy hargrove-christian mcbride-stephen scott/parker's mood = carmen miranda/compilation (1939-45) = billie holiday/billie's blues = jesse van ruller european quintet = izaias e seus choroes/o fino do bandolim = hugh & karl farr/hot 'n' bluesy fiddleguitar and twinguitasr duets
Keep Swinging Oscar Aleman Flexible Records Choro Music Hit of the week - Durium
Hans Koert

pim jacobs-ruud jacobs/the jacob brothers in jazz = r. crumb cheap suit serenaders/hot tunes = early brazilian masters of the guitar/1921-1930 = howard rumsey lighthouse all-stars/sunday jazz a la lighthouse = sonny rollins/the bridge = hit of the week/the complete hit of the week recordings - volume 3 (2) = roy hargrove-christian mcbride-stephen scott/parker's mood = carmen miranda/compilation (1939-45) = billie holiday/billie's blues = jesse van ruller european quintet = izaias e seus choroes/o fino do bandolim = hugh & karl farr/hot 'n' bluesy fiddleguitar and twinguitar duets
Nederlands ( To the English translation )

Alle platen, die in deze bijdrage genoemd zijn, zijn nu voor het eerst heruitgebracht op het derde deel van The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings (Arch 3004) door Archeophone.
Ik schreef de afgelopen tijd al vaker over deze serie: Je vindt de bijdragen op de linkenpagina onder Hit of the week. De online discography, met aanvullende informatie vind je hier.
Ik schreef de afgelopen tijd al vaker over deze serie: Je vindt de bijdragen op de linkenpagina onder Hit of the week. De online discography, met aanvullende informatie vind je hier.
It Could Happen To You - THE JACOBS BROTHERS met Sam Nijveen, Maup Cohen, Lucien Grignard en Piet Kefkens viool, Lo Broekhuizen viola, Jules de Jong cello, Pim Jacobs piano, Ruud Jacobs bas en Cees See slagwerk. Opgenomen in Hilversum op 13 juni 1958.

Tijdopname voor 25 december:
It Could Happen To You - THE JACOBS BROTHERS met Sam Nijveen, Maup Cohen, Lucien Grignard en Piet Kefkens viool, Lo Broekhuizen viola, Jules de Jong cello, Pim Jacobs piano, Ruud Jacobs bas en Cees See slagwerk. Opgenomen in Hilversum op 13 juni 1958.

Tijdopname voor 25 december:
- pu-leeze mr. hemingway = guy lombardo royal canadians

pim jacobs-ruud jacobs/the jacob brothers in jazz = r. crumb cheap suit serenaders/hot tunes = early brazilian masters of the guitar/1921-1930 = howard rumsey lighthouse all-stars/sunday jazz a la lighthouse = sonny rollins/the bridge = hit of the week/the complete hit of the week recordings - volume 3 (2) = roy hargrove-christian mcbride-stephen scott/parker's mood = carmen miranda/compilation (1939-45) = billie holiday/billie's blues = jesse van ruller european quintet = izaias e seus choroes/o fino do bandolim = hugh & karl farr/hot 'n' bluesy fiddleguitar and twinguitasr duets
Keep Swinging Oscar Aleman Flexible Records Choro Music Hit of the week - Durium
Labels: christmas suggestion, durium, merry christmas, phil spitalny
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