Betty Boop in colour
( Naar de Nederlandse vertaling.)
On the 12th of February 1937 the Betty Boop cartoon Wiffle Piffle in Whoops! I'm a Cowboy was released in the States. Not an event to celebrate world wide as it isn't hot news, nor should we celebrate the 70th birthday of this old Betty Boop cartoon ( she even hasn't the leading part in it), as if it was the landmark features in her extensive film career. So, if I hadn't make this web log today I guess no one should have remember its 70th birtday today - well I will - so anyhow: World news.
It isn't Betty Boop in all her glory - her peak of popularity was some years before this feature. She was degenerated to a cartoon figures for small children and wasn't popular to the mass anymore. One and a half year later, in the summer of 1939 the last Betty Boop cartoon was made. Betty herself became an object in advertising and if you google on the internet for Betty Boop you'll find thousands of gadgets with her face and figure on it. Even today, the modern generation, loves to have her figures on a school diary or drinking nap.
Her films, originally of course in black and white, were reissued in the 1970s and transformed in half-our packages, a decent time for television sceduling. The original master negatives were send by National Television Associates (NTA), that had acquired the rights to Betty Boop, to Korea where the original black and white cartoons were coloured by hand. A lot of these coloured Betty Boop films were released on videos for children, even dubbed in French, Dutch or the Swahili language.
What a shame to learn how these 1930s films are raped ...... but, let's bring some good news too, a lot of these originaly black and white cartoon are to be found on YouTube today.
It's a pity .... but I only found the coloured version of our birthday girl, so enjoy the cartoon Wifle Piffle in Whoops, I'm a Cowboy ( with Betty in a supporting role, and be shocked about this raped 70 year old film.
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
12 February:
75: 1932- You're My Somebody Else- Elsie Carlisle
70: 1937- Whoops I'm a Cowboy - Betty Boop cartoon
60: 1947- Riff Up Them Stairs-1060 - Decca Swing Combo
50: 1957- I'm Getting Sentimental Over You - Jimmy Smith-Lou Donaldson
Nederlands ( To the English translation )

Haar films, origineel in zwart-wit natuurlijk werden heruitgebracht in de jaren zeventig en omgevormd tot hapklare pakketten van een half uur; precies zoals programmamakers op TV dat willen. De originele negatieven werden door National Television Associates ( NTA), die de rechten van Betty Boop hadden verworven, naar Korea gestuurd, waar ze, beeldje voor beeldje, met de hand werden ingekleurd. Deze ingekleurde versies werden later weer uitgebracht op goedkope videos, nagesynchroniseerd in het Frans, Nederlands of Swabhili.
Wat een schande eigenlijk ...... om te zien hoe deze filmpjes uit de jaren dertig verkracht werden, maar ... er is ook nog wel iets positief te zeggen. Veel zwart-wit filmpjes van Betty Boop zijn nu gewoon te bekijken op YouTube. Lang leve de vooruitgang.
Helaas, maar misschien ook wel ter illustratie - het filmpje Wiffle Piffle in Whoops, I'm a Cowboy vond ik alleen maar in de ingekleurde versie, dus wordt het ..... en genieten van deze zeventig jaar oude film ( met Betty in een bijrolletje) en ....... jezelf een beetje ergeren aan de gekleurde beelden.
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
12 februari:
75: 1932- You're My Somebody Else- Elsie Carlisle
70: 1937- Whoops I'm a Cowboy - Betty Boop cartoon
60: 1947- Riff Up Them Stairs-1060 - Decca Swing Combo
50: 1957- I'm Getting Sentimental Over You - Jimmy Smith-Lou Donaldson
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