Rik Mol introduces his Funk On Me band

A preview at the International Jazzfestival of Middelburg
RIK MOL introduces his FUNK ON ME Band
Hans Koert
The young Dutch jazz trumpet player Rik Mol has released his first single entitled Funk On Me. This record, featuring Nate James, is a foretaste for the second album by Rik Mol entitled simply Funk On Me, to be released on the 10th of September 2010 after Rik Mol's Far East tour to South Korea and Japan. Later this year he hopes to make a tour along some Dutch and Belgian venues. His first album What's On Tonight was received well a few years ago.

A few weeks ago Rik was one of the guests at the 4th International Jazz Festival in Middelburg, in the south west part of The Netherlands, where he performed on the outdoor stage at the inner court of the ancient Middelburg abbey in the centre of town. He was the second band to play that evening - Brad Mehldau preceded him - How many bands can say that they had Brad Mehldau as their curtain-raiser? Rik Mol's Funk On Me band at the Jazz Festival of Middelburg 2010 ( photo courtesy: Hans Koert)
For Rik this concert was very special. First of all it was the first time the band played in public and of course it was important for him that this first concert was scheduled in the region where he was born and raised: the province of Zeeland in the south west part of The Netherlands.Peter Lieberom-Jan Oosting-Martijn de Laat and Rik Mol ( photo courtesy: Hans Koert)
Rik could present his group, during the previous weekend, at the VPRO TV-program Vrije Geluiden, where they played Gin Tonic Tonight and the title song Funk On Me with Nate James as the vocalist.
Love to share with you the former tune: Gin Tonic Tonight:
Raised in a small village near Goes, 's Heer Arendskerke
, he got his first music lessons in the School for Music in Goes and, aged 8 years old, he was invited to study at the School for Young Talent at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, where he studied classical music on his trumpet.
At the Vrije Geluiden program he told how he became fascinated in jazz music. Als tiener luisterde ik naar MTV en TMF en ging met mijn leeftijdsgenoten naar de disco. ( = As a teenager I watched TV-stations like MTV and TMF and joined my friends to the disco). Ik kocht eens per ongeluk een jazzplaat van Wynton Marsalis en toen was ik verkocht ...... ( = Once I found a jazz record played by Wynton Marsalis and it hit me.). Ik had eigenlijk gedacht een trompetconcert van Hummel gekocht te hebben (= I thought I'd bought a trumpet concert by Hummel). De tweede plaat die ik kocht was met Randy Brecker en Michael Brecker - The Brecker Bros. ( = The second album I found was with Randy Brecker and Michael Brecker - The Brecker Bros.). Rik Mol and Lex Empress ( photo courtesy: Hans Koert)
He got his first lessons from none other than Wynton Marsalis. When he was ten or eleven years old he learned that Wynton was playing in Amsterdam. Ik heb hem gewoon opgewacht - ik was toen denk ik 10 of 11 ( = I just waited for him - I must have been ten or eleven years old). Ik woonde toen nog in Zeeland. (= I still lived in Zeeland). Ik heb toen de trein gepakt en ben bij de artiestenuitgang gaan staan. ( = I took the train to Amsterdam and waited at the stage door). Toen hij eindelijk naar buiten kwam om vier uur 's nachts zag hij me staan met mijn trompetkoffer onder de arm. Hij zei: ( = When he finally came out and saw my trumpet case, he said:) You must be my only fan - Come along with me ....... En zo is het gegaan (= And so it happened .............) He joined Wynton for almost a week.

Rik Mol performed on the 22nd of May, 2010 with Sven Figee – hammond, Roland Dirkse – guitar, Glen Gaddum – bass guitar, Cyril Directie – drums, Martijn De Laat - trumpet, Jan Oosting - trombone and Peter Lieberom - sax. The vocals were sung by Nate James and special guest Lex Empress.
The audience liked the funky sounds very well after the more introverted performance of Brad Mehldau - It seems as if they were one another's counterparts. Cyril Directie ( photo courtesy: Hans Koert)
Love to share with you a compilation with some fragments as recorded during the concert.
I'm anxious to hear your new album, Rik: Funk on Me.
Hans Koert
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