Savannah Serenaders
I pointed you several times in my online Keep Swinging web log to the beauty of the 1920s arranged black music as played by bands like the McKinney's Cotton Pickers, The Bennie Moton Kansas City Orchestra or the King Oliver Creole Jazz Band. It is a pity that this kind of music seems to be forgotten by the new generation, I think because this music is no longer audible on radio or stage and CDs seem to become, like 78rpm records and LPs, remains of a bygone time.

Each time when I listen to, let's say, the King Oliver Vocalion version of a tune like Someday Sweetheart, recorded in September 1926 with his Dixie Syncopators, it gives me the feeling that I'm listening to music of great value - the music, the sound is rarely heard by contemporary bands. I love to introduce to you one of those retro bands, The Savannah Serenaders, that knows how to play King Oliver - in the correct tempo. Listen to his Someday Sweetheart.

The Savannah Serenaders contains 10 skilled musicians, who know how the 1920s arranged black music of musicians should sound. Their names are Giancarlo Mariani and Mario Mariotti trumpets, Mauro Sanna, trombone, Roberto Meroni, leader and reeds, like Ezio Rizzi and Silvano Primon too, Nino Frasio on bano and guitar, Gabriella Fossati piano, Fabio Prina tuba and Marcello Colò drums.

This Italian band loves to play on festivals all around western Europe and I'm convinced that it can bring the unique atmosphere on your festival. You can get information directly from the Savannah Serenaders. Contact or :

SPEAK LOW - LAURINDO ALMEIDA-BUD SHANK Quartet: Laurindo Almeida guitar, Bud Shank alto saxophone, Harry Babasin bass and Roy Harle drums. Recorded in Los Angeles on the 22nd of April 1953.

I received only a few correct suggestions: J.O.S. means James Oscar Smith. What musician was known as NEWK?
Send your suggestions to:

Time exposure for the 26th of February:
- hackensack / home cookin' ( = ode to philly joe ) / homecooking / it could happen to you / ode to philly joe ( = home cookin') / one for philly joe / someone to watch over me /sometimes i'm happy / these fooolish things = jimmy smith quartet
- lobster in the limelight = microscopic septet
Hans Koert

International Honky Tonk Tyrone's Record and Phonograph link Discoflex Hit of the Week at Dismukes
Nederlands ( To the English translation )
Ik wees al verschillende keren in mijn Keep Swinging weblog op de schoonheid van de zwarte gearrangeerde muziek uit de jaren twintig, zoals gespeeld door bands als de McKinney's Cotton Pickers, The Bennie Moten Kansas City Orchestra en de King Oliver Creole Jazz Band. Het is jammer dat dit soort muziek voor de huidige generaties verloren dreigt te gaan, omdat deze muziek niet meer hoorbaar is op de radio, zelden op de podia wordt gespeeld en de CD lijkt het lot van de 78-toerenplaat en de LP achterna te gaan. King Oliver op je iPod? Why not !!

De Savannah Serenadersuit tien ervaren muzikanten, die weten hoe de zwarte gearrangeerde muziek uit de jaren twintig moet klinken. Hun namen zijn Giancarlo Mariani en Mario Mariotti trompetten, Mauro Sanna trombone, Roberto Meroni, leider en rieten, net als Ezio Rizzi en Silvano Primon, Nino Frasio op de banjo en gitaar, Gabriella Fossati piano, Fabio Prina tuba en Marcello Colò slagwerk.

Deze Italiaanse band wil graag spelen op festivals in West Europa en ik ben errvan overtuigd dat ze de sfeer van de jaren twintig onuitwisbaar kunnen brengen. Je kunt informatie krijgen door het direct te mailen (in het Engels of Italiaans): savannah.serenaders@tiscali.itof via deze web log:

SPEAK LOW - LAURINDO ALMEIDA-BUD SHANK Quartet: Laurindo Almeida guitar, Bud Shank alto saxophone, Harry Babasin bass and Roy Harle drums. Recorded in Los Angeles on the 22nd of April 1953.

There were but few reactions: J.O.S. means James Oscar Smith. What musicians was called NEWK?
Send your suggestions to:

Tijdopname voor 26 februari:
- hackensack / home cookin' ( = ode to philly joe ) / homecooking / it could happen to you / ode to philly joe ( = home cookin') / one for philly joe / someone to watch over me /sometimes i'm happy / these fooolish things = jimmy smith quartet
- lobster in the limelight = microscopic septet
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
Keep Swinging Oscar Aleman Flexible Records Choro Music Hit of the week - Durium
Labels: savannah serenaders
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