Dutch Swing College
The Dutch Swing College Band must have been one of my first experiences in jazz. They were one of Hollands most popular dixieland band during the 1950s and 1960s, so their music must have been on the radio now and then, I guess.
They visited Goes, a small town in the southwest part of the Netherlands, due to the so-called schoolconcerts during the 1960s. Goes was the city of my secondaire school was, the Goese Lyceum. Now and then we had to visit concerts to get our cultural level updated. I still remember these concerts as thrilling experiences. I remember the Dutch Swing College Band and the Trio Pim Jacobs, another popular jazz group. The numerous guitar duos and classical string quartets didn't left any memory damages after all those years. And of course Thom Kelling, the Latin American styled troubadour, who was the first "name"artist I saw live performing.
Last year I was at the Doctor Jazz Reunion in Wageningen searching in boxes filled with old LPs to forgotten treasures. An man sold records from the Dutch Swing College Band priced 1 euro each, a bargain. Although the Dutch Swing College isn't a spearhead in my collection I realised that I had to safe these items of my youth before they would be dumped on some flea market. The owner of the box wanted to get rid of it too and offered me an extra bargain if I bought another one. So two Dutch Swing College LPs, one from the 1960s and a twofer with a 1980 jubilee concert changed owners. I showed my treasures proudly to a man near to me. He had a familiar face, but I didn't recognize him at once. That's a good one, he pointed to the Jubilee twofer, specially the drummer man. And he grinned.
When I walked back to my place I had had a nice talk and an autograph of Martin Beenen, drummer of the Dutch Swing College Band ( 1956 - 1961)
Nederlands ( To the English translation )
De Dutch Swing College Band moet één van mijn eerste jazz ervaringen geweest zijn. Ze waren ons meest populaire dxielandorkest gedurende de vijftiger- en zestiger jaren van de vorige eeuw. Hun muziek werd dan ook regelmatig gehoord op de radio in mijn jeugd.
Ze bezochten 55 jaar geleden Goes, een stadje in het zuidwesten van Nederland, in verband met de zo genaamde schoolconcerten. In Goes zat ik op de middelbare school, het Goese Lyceum. Af en toe moesten we naar zo'n schoolconcert, met als doel ons cultureel niveau op te krikken.Ik herinner me de Dutch Swing College Band en het Trio Pim Jacobs, een andere populaire jazz groep. De talloze klassieke gitaar duo's en strijkkwartetten hebben geen blijvende schade in mijn herinnering opgeleverd.
En natuurlijk, niet te vergeten, Thom Kelling, de troubadour, die in latijns-amerikaanse stijl spelend, de eerste echte artiest was, die ik in levende lijve aanschouwen mocht.

Toen ik terug zat bij mijn tafel had ik handtekening en een gezellig gesprek gehad met Martin Beenen, voormalig drummer van de Dutch Swing College Band (1956 - 1961)
Ziet er veelbelovend uit, bedankt
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