Louis Armstrong in Blokker 1959: New photos

A series of unique photos made by Kees Maaswinkel.Hans Koert
Louis Armstrong All-Stars in Blokker 1959: New photos (English) Nieuwe foto's van Louis Armstrong in Blokker 1959 (Nederland)
There are some concerts which are, even after decades, still fresh in mind. Each jazz fan has such memorable concerts in mind. For a lot of Dutchmen, most of pensionable age now, the Blokker concerts of the 1950s and 1960s are still legendary, like the concerts of Benny Goodman ( 1958) and Louis Armstrong (1959 and 1965). At both Louis Armstrong concerts dedicated amateur photographers made their photos and, in a previous blog I shared the photos and remembrances of Henri Hoogewoud, who shared with us his 1965 Louis Armstrong concert photos. Two years ago Martin Van Der Waals contacted me with an anonymous photo from the 1965 Louis Armstrong concert, which he found in the Haags Gemeentemuseum.

Kees Maaswinkel remembers the concert. Ik was toen 17 overigens en had mijn eerste serieuze fotokamera gekocht: een Aires IIIa. (= I was only 17 years old in those days and had bought my first real photo camera, an Aires 35IIa ). Daar zat een vaste lens op en dat was geen telelens. (= It had a fixed lens, not a telephoto lens.). Ik moest dus dicht bij het podium zien te komen. Dat lukte ook. (= I had to try to get near the stage and the artists and it worked). Ik heb geprobeerd het hele gebeuren vast te leggen: het voorprogramma, de All Stars en het publiek. (I've tried to make a series of photos of the complete concert: The bands that opened the concert, the All-Stars and the people in the audience).

The bands that did start the concert were The Micro Solisten from Zaandam, a place nearby and the Kees Kuyt Combo. The Dutch Rhythme, maandblad voor jazz- dans- en amusementsmuziek, remembers in its series Uit de konsertzaal, the fact that Louis Armstrong en de zijnen had visited Blokker as the final act of its 1959 Festival. ( 7th up to 10th May, 1959). Bijna ongelooflijk ( almost unbelievable) and Bijzonder groots ( Very remarkable) are two quotes from the review.

The article in Rhythme doesn't informs its readers about the curtain raisers: The Micro Solisten, an amateur group, that played in the traditional jazz styles, featuring Klaas Van Meerten De Boer (trumpet), Dolf Kaper (piano), Gerrit De Boer (clarinet), Piet Van Marle (bass-trumpet ( and prob. trombone) , Ko Van Calcar double bass and Dick Dijkstra drums) and the Kees Kuyt Combo, a modern jazz group featuring Leen Dijkkamp (vibes), Kees Kuyt (guitar), Henk De Jong (double bass) and Jaap Kok (drums).

After more then h

Thanks Kees for sharing the photos of this unique Dutch Louis Armstrong concert in Blokker May 1959. Thanks to Marc Van Nus and mrs. A. Tanger for their information.
Hans Koert

Two young Dutchmen, Ben Essing and Jan Vis, who lived in a small village north of Amsterdam, Blokker, decided during the late 1950s to organize some concerts, to stir living things up in their small village. At the local auction hall, were vegetables were sold by auction, they scheduled May 1959, a small festival which ended with a concert by Louis Armstrong himself. Kees Maaswinkel, then 17 years young, joined that concert and took his photo camera. He loves to share some unique photos with the visitors of the Keep (it) Swinging blog. Keep (it) Swinging loves to point you to this kind of unique stuff in Dutch jazz history and if you don't want to miss it, follow it a Twitter ( #keepitswinging) or ask for its free monthly newsletter: keepswinging@live.nl

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Labels: blokker, Kees Kuyt Combo, louis armstrong, Micro Solisten
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