Narcissus Quartet: Introverted music

On Sunday afternoon the 5th of October 2008 the Narcissus Quartet performed at the Porgy en Bess Jazz Club in Terneuzen in the south west part of The Netherlands.
Maybe because the bad weather - we had a lot of rain and wind, but few people had found the entrance of the club in the Noordstraat. And that was not because of the music, because saxophone player Robin Verheyen brought an inspiring concert - a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. The Narcissus Quartet features Robin Verheyen on the soprano and tenor saxophone, Jozef Dumoulin at the piano, Clemens Van Der Feen on bass and Flin Van Hemmen on drums.

This Narcissus band contains four talented young Flemish and Dutch jazz musicians. When thhis group was founded, it was named as the Robin Verheyen Quartet, but they changed it into the Narcissus Quartet, to express that they are a collective band without a real leader. During the concert each member gets a chance to present his compositions, except Jozef Dumoulin, who replaced Harmen Fraanje at the keyboard only recently. Don't try to explain why they have chosen the name Narcissus for their quartet: it's just an idea of Finn's mother!
Most tunes played during the concert were new compositions, so if you happen to have its first album, simply titled Narcissus, there was a lot of new music. I haven't heard its first album, so I can't tell you if their music has been developed in a positive way. Some compositions were even nameless or had temporary names like New York 1 or New York 2. The music they played sounded very modest and introverted. The tunes often start with one tone or chord, while the other members could expand the tune with improvisation to a climax, before it finally ended again with one single tone ...... Modest sounds. music that hit you...............
Most tunes played during the concert were new compositions, so if you happen to have its first album, simply titled Narcissus, there was a lot of new music. I haven't heard its first album, so I can't tell you if their music has been developed in a positive way. Some compositions were even nameless or had temporary names like New York 1 or New York 2. The music they played sounded very modest and introverted. The tunes often start with one tone or chord, while the other members could expand the tune with improvisation to a climax, before it finally ended again with one single tone ...... Modest sounds. music that hit you...............
It was remarkable to learn that this quartet was a very good team. Robin Verheyen sounded, now and then, like Wayne Shorter (especially on soprano sax) and Jozef Dumoulin leaning forward on the keyboard like Bill Evans or Brad Mehldau. Hij hoeft maar een paar noten van een nieuw nummer te zien en hij speelt mee - inclusief allerlei nieuwe tegen-melodieën ( = He only has to pass his eyes over the sheet music and he can play the tune ... even with new improvisations) Clemens explains during the break between the two sets. Modest well considered sounds.... Clemens Van Der Feen, member of a musical family, raised in Middelburg, in the province of Zeeland, a skilled bass player in modern jazz, although his straw suggest something different, gives the band a solid base. As a thirteen years old kid he played with the Feen Brothers, the family band, on this Porgy en Bess stage at the Schelde Jazz festival.
This was the opening concert for the new winter season in Porgy en Bess. After the concert chairman Hans Zuiderbaan listed the concerts to come: Jeff Hamilton Trio; Trio Rein de Graaff with Ferdinand Povel and Pete Christlieb, the Pierre Courbois Vijfkwarts Sextet, Mona Lisa Overdrive and Benjamin Herman with The Itch. And as a dessert...: Rony Verbiest and Bert van den Brink in a duo performance, but then 2009 has started already in Porgy en Bess - Terneuzen.
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
Vorige week donderdag, 2 oktober 2008, ontving de Zeeuwse trompettist Rik Mol uit handen van de Commissaris van de Koningin Karla Peijs de Stimuleringsprijs 2008 van het Prins Bernard Cultuurfornds Zeeland. Deze uitreiking vond plaats in Porgy en Bess ( Terneuzen) en werd gevolgd door een schitterend optreden van Rik Mol met zijn Quintet. Dit concert werd reeds besproken in een eerdere blog, getiteld: Rik Mol in Porgy en Bess
Rik Mol
Wie dit optreden gemist heeft krijgt woensdagavond 8 oktober 2008 een tweede kans, want Rik Mol treedt dan op in het Schuttershof in Middelburg, een optreden georganiseerd door het Muziekpodium Zeeland. Rik Mol brengt Sven Figee mee op hammond, Ben van den Dungen op tenor sax, Jeroen Vierdag op bas en Joost Kroon op slagwerk. Verder zal zangeres Leona niet optreden, zoals aangekondigd. Aanvang 21.30 uur.
Wie foto's wil bekijken van het optreden van Rik Mol in Porgy en Bess kan terecht in mijn fotoalbum.

Keep swinging
Hans Koert

Oscar Aleman Choro Music Flexible Records Hit of the Week-Durium Keep Swinging News letter Keep Swinging Contributions
Hans Koert

Oscar Aleman Choro Music Flexible Records Hit of the Week-Durium Keep Swinging News letter Keep Swinging Contributions
Labels: clemens van der feen, flin van hemmen, jozef dumoulin, narcissus quartet, porgy en bess, rik mol, robin verheyen
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