Saturday, October 04, 2008

Mariano di Nunzio: trumpet player

To the latest blog Naar de laatste blog

( Naar het Nederlands-Vlaamse deel met daarin jazzconcerten in de Zeeuwse regio.)

Thanks to the Centro Studi sul Jazz Arrigo Polillo ( The Siena Jazz Archive) in Italy, I was pointed to some albums made by the Italian trumpet player Mariano di Nunzio. The first one is simply titled Kurt Weill and is performed by a quintet, labelled as Il volo di Lindbergh, which means, freely translated something like Lindbergh's flight, refering to his transatlantic flight in the Spirit of St. Louis between New York and Paris May 1927. The bands contains Raffaele Brancati on reeds and flute, Mariano Di Nunzio on trumpet and flugelhorn, Sergio Corbini at the piano, Amedeo Ronga on bass and Daniele Fusi on drums. It was recorded in March 1999 on the Le Carrozze label ( CARR 10004)
Kurt Weill was a composer who lived in the first half of the XXth century. He wrote several opera's and his music is still popular. You can find his music on stage, but also played by bands like the Willem Breuker Kollektief. The first tune, Bilbao song, brings you that great Kurt Weill sound, a tune from his stage show Happy End. I was very fascinated by the tune My Ship, with a great intro by Sergio Corbini at the piano and later in duet with Marianno di Nunzio on the flugelhorn; a great ballad. This record, although dedicated to the music of Kurt Weill, has become a real jazz album with, like I said before, some great ballads. Je ne t'aime pas is another great ballad on flugelhorn and the final tune, Speak Low, a known jazz piece, which concludes this fine disc.
Mariano di Nunzio
The second album is another hidden jewel by Mariano di Nunzio and is titled Barracina.
It was recorded in Siena on the 27th and 28th of November 2000 for Le Carrozze records ( CARR 10012) I say "hidden", because when you view the cover it doesn't looks like a jazz record at all. It contains two 17th century suites, Suite Hopla and Suite La Tammurriata del trio and a piece titled Porta del giorno and Drums. This record is dedicated to the Napolitan musical tradition from the 17th century, and Marianno di Nunzio and his trio ( with himself on trumpet and flugelhorn, Massimo de Stephanis on bass and Daniele Fusi on drums) have transformed the 17th century harmonies and rhythms ( like the polka) into swing and funky jazz rhythms and it became a great document in modern jazz. Enjoy tunes like Via Pacinotti nº 25.
Both albums are "hidden” treasures - the covers doesn't suggest that the music on the album is jazz and that is a shame I guess ( others might say that's a plus-point. Okay - I take your point). The liner notes for both albums are in Italian, a great language, but for billions an inaccessible language - why not a bi-lingual translation?
Thanks Francesco for pointing me to these great albums. (
Siena Jazz )

Il Vola di Lindbergh

Hans Koert -

Hi Hans,

Just a note to thank you for
your blog. Because of your newsletter my husband found "Tivoli's Big Band Live". He had never heard of the Band, but ordered the CD and it is GREAT.

Thanks Again,
Keep Up the Good Work
Connie and Dick B.

Keep swinging

Hans Koert

Nederlands-vlaams( To the English part with an Italian trumpet player Mariano di Nunzio.)

De komende week is er weer van alles in onze streek op jazzgebied te beleven. Dit weekend, om precies te zijn tot zondag 5 oktober 2008 wordt net over de grens het Brugge Jazz 2008 festival gehouden. Dit weekend is er volop te genieten van gerenomeerde namen als Bert van den Brink, Louis Sclavis, Henri Texier en Alexander von Schlippenbach. Morgen, zondag 5 oktober 2008 hoort iedere jazzliefheber in Porgy en Bess te zitten om de genieten van het Narcissus Quartet met daarin de veelbelovende Belgische saxofonist Robin Verheyen en Clemens van der Feen, bassist met Zeeuwse roots. Dit concert begint om 16.00 uur in de Noordstraat in Terneuzen. Afgelopen donderdag speelde hier ook al Rik Mol in het kader van de uitreiking van de Stimuleringsprijs 2008 van het Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds Zeeland. Als je dat concert gemist hebt, krijg je een herkansing en kun je op 8 oktober naar het Schuttershofcafé in Middelburg trekken, waar Rik Mol speelt vanaf 21.30 uur.

Op vrijdag 9 oktober speelt de Jazzlab Series All Star Band in Foyer De Spiegel in Sint Niklaas; Belgische jazz van hoge kwaliteit. En als je het volgende weekend alvast aan het plannen bent? Op zaterdag vindt weer de halfjaarlijkse Doctor Jazz Dag plaats (voorheen Doctor Jazz Reunie) in Wageningen met een druk bezochte beurs en optredens van traditionele jazzbands. Hierover later deze week meer.

Keep swinging

Hans Koert

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