1958 Jazz From Carnegie Hall Concerts
( Naar het Nederlands-Vlaamse deel over Artie Shaw's Nachtmerrie)
Late September 1958, now 50 years ago, an all-star band travelled along European venues to give concerts - most of the times two concerts were played nightly. On the 20th of September 1958, they were in concert at the Free Trade Hall in Manchester (GB). This all-star band featured Lee Konitz on the alto saxophone, Zoot Sims on the tenor, Jay Jay Johnson and Kai Winding on trombones, Phineas Newborn and Red Garland at the piano, Oscar Pettiford on bass and Kenny Clark on drums. They toured along England, Scandinavia, France, Germany and The Netherlands.
Zoot Sims and Oscar Pettiford at the Concertgebouw - Amsterdam ( 27th of September, 1958) (photo courtesy: Dutch Jazz Archive (Frank Appelman))
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
Nederlands ( To the English part with a famous 1958 tour labeled as Jazz From Carnegie Hall)
Precies zeventig jaar geleden, op 27 september 1938, nam Artie Shaw in New York City met zijn orkest een aantal nummers op, waaronder Nightmare, de herkenningsmelodie van het orkest. Het is een spookachtig nummer geworden met bluesachtige akkoorden en weinig ritme, waar overheen Artie Shaw met zijn klarinet de toon zet. Luister maar eens naar het nummer:
Als je, net als ik, gefascineerd bent door jazz of aanverwante muziek uit de periode 1908 - 2008 en je vindt het leuk om anderen daarover te vertellen, klim dan in je toetsenbord en digitaliseer je verhaal voor deze dagelijkse Keep Swinging blog. Als je een idee hebt voor een onderwerp laat het me weten .....

On the 27th of September 1958 they performed at the Kurhaus in Scheveningen and later that night at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, two great jazz venues in The Netherlands. Some recordings from this tour have been survived and are released on the album Oscar Pettiford - First Bass (IAJRC CD 1010) and that CD contains two tunes: Yardbird Suite and Bohemia After Dark, both recorded in Manchester on the 20th of September 1958. This known Charlie Parker composition, was recorded during the first evening show and contains some great solo's by the two sax players, Lee and Zoot, accompanied by a great backing of the bass player, Oscar Pettiford. The other tune Bohemia After Dark was played by Oscar Pettiford and Kenny Clarke only.
Phineas Newborn at the Concertgebouw - Amsterdam ( 27th of September 1958) (photo courtesy: Dutch Jazz Archive( Frank Appelman))

Three other tunes were recorded by a small group from the band: Phineas Newborn piano - Oscar Pettiford bass and Kenny Clarke drums. This performance, probably recorded from an airshot by a Swedish jazfan, was recorded in Stockholm in the Concert Hall during one of the concerts on the 22nd or 23rd of September 1958. Three tunes are: The Laverne Walk - Stardust and All The Things You Are. During these Jazz From Carnegie Hall concerts this trio played some tunes, and it is luck to have found some recordings from this unique piano player recorded. Phinea Newborn is one of those underestimated piano player that has left but few recordings. These historical airshots are very valuable. As far as I know there haven't been recorded any tunes at the two Dutch concerts, but two great photo shots left, made by Frank Appelman and to be found in the valuable book One Night Stand - Jazzconcerten in Nederland 1947 - 1967. These photos are now part of the Dutch Jazz Archive. The album First Bass by Oscar Pettiford ( Rare Recordings & Concert Dates, 1953-60) (IAJRC CD 1010) is an IAJRC release
If you are fascinated by jazz or jazz related music, made between 1908 and 2008 or you have researched a jazz musician or you love to point others to (your) new records, make yourself a guest editor for this daily Keep Swinging blog, which will reach its 1000th contribution within 60 days !! Become one of them !! .... keepswinging@live.nl
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
Nederlands ( To the English part with a famous 1958 tour labeled as Jazz From Carnegie Hall)

Precies zeventig jaar geleden, op 27 september 1938, nam Artie Shaw in New York City met zijn orkest een aantal nummers op, waaronder Nightmare, de herkenningsmelodie van het orkest. Het is een spookachtig nummer geworden met bluesachtige akkoorden en weinig ritme, waar overheen Artie Shaw met zijn klarinet de toon zet. Luister maar eens naar het nummer:
Door de lange lijnen en bluesachtige mineurakkoorden leent het stuk zich goed als filmmuziek. Ik vond het terug ( als radioopname) gebruikt in een korte documentaire over Artie Shaw, die nog maar kort geleden (december 2004) op 94-jarige leeftijd overleed, samen met het nummer Begin the Beguine uit juli 1938.
Hans Koert - keepswinging@live.nl

Labels: artie shaw, concertgebouw, jay jay johnson, jazz from carnegie hall, kai winding, kurhaus, lee konitz, oscar pettiford, phineas newborn, zoot sims
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