El Jazz en las venas

When she completed her study for dancing, she continued Comedia Musical ( = Musical Comedy) in the prestigious institute from director Manuel Gonzalez Gil, where he found out that she had a great voice. As she was fasinated by the music of her grandfather; she had heard him playing as a small kid, she got anxious to learn about black music and she started singing lessons with Cristina Aguayo and, in a parallel studies, the Estudia Artes dramáticas ( = drama school) of Carmen Vallejo, actress and Oscar's widow.
She became a professional singer ten years ago with great success: the audience and the local press liked her singing. At first she was accompanied by a blues band which played blues, gospel music and jazz. Later it became more and more a jazz band and, thanks to her great voice, this band became a success. A lot of known Argentine musicians (some even played with her grandfather) joined in concerts like Pocho Lapouble, Manuel Fraga, Jorge Gonzalez, Miguel Botafogo, Norberto Machline, Walter Malosetti, Enrique Varela, Ricardo Pellican, Marcelo Mayor, Ricardo Lew, Ricardo Nolan, Jon Larsen ( from Norway), Pascal Loutchek, Chachi Zaragoza, etc.

In 2003 her first album was released; a live album titled "El Jazz en las venas" which was recorded at the Teatro N/D Ateneo and in 2004 she recorded with Zakiya Hooker, the daughter of the legendary blues shouter John Lee Hooker. The record was titled: Colors of the Blues, recorded live at La Trastienda. Before the end of this year her latest album will be released, her first sung in Castilian ( the Argentine version of Spanish) with several other original tunes called Moreno.
I love to share with you a link to a fragment of the tune Melancolia, recorded by Oscar Aleman, which I posted at the Oscar Aleman blog recently, on which Sara Gavanovich, shares some photos of her uncle and father Manuel Gavinovich, violin player and bass player Luis Gavinovich; both members of the Quinteto de Swing, Oscar's quintet during some years in the 1940s. You are invited to visit the blog, to view the fragments, to learn more about these musicians and and to learn more about this great source for Alemaniacs.
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
Espanol ( To the top)Nacida en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, nieta del famoso guitarrista Oscar Alemán. A los 4 años comenzó a estudiar danza clásica, comenzando a los 15 años de edad a estudiar danza Jazz con la coreógrafa MOIRA CHAPMAN en la ”Escuela de Artes Escénicos FAMA” durante 10 años.
Terminados sus estudios de danza, se perfeccionó en Comedia Musical en el instituto del prestigioso director MANUEL GONZALEZ GIL, donde descubre su profunda vocación por el canto. Debido a la gran atracción que tenía por la música de su abuelo, que había escuchado desde muy pequeña decide estudiar las raices de la música negra y es así que comienza sus estudios de canto con la cantante CRISTINA AGUAYO. Paralelamente estudia Artes dramáticas en la escuela de CARMEN VALLEJO.

En el año 2003 editan su primer CD grabado en vivo en el Teatro N/D Ateneo, titulado “El Jazz en las venas” y en el año 2004 grabó jujnto a Zakiya Hooker, hija del legendario John Lee Hooker el CD “Colors of the Blues” grabado en vivo en La Trastienda. Antes de fin del 2008 saldrá a la venta su primer CD en castellano con varios temas propios y otros originales que se llamará MORENA.
Nederlands ( To the top)

Kun je je het voorstellen? Jan Peter Balkenende organiseert een concert met Michiel Borstlap en The New Cool Collective, met Jules Deelder als disc jockey om na afloop de-beentjes-van-de-vloer te krijgen; alles om de partijkas wat te spekken? Of, als echte Zeeuw, Bløf en het Westkappels visserskoor met Surrender in het voorprogramma? Hier zou dat ondenkbaar zijn ............... Op 1 oktober 2008 wordt in de Kaufmann Concerthall in New York City een concert georganiseerd, getiteld Jazz For Obama, a Concert for America's Future.

Keep swinging
Hans Koert

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Labels: jorgelina aleman, luis gavinovich, manuel gavinovic, oscar aleman, sara gavanovich
Thanks a lot, Hans, for posting this profile of a great singer, great video fragments, too. Jorgelina Alemán is a great artist!
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