Sound of Jazz

Yesterday we had a family gathering, so but few time for jazz. On a jazz discussion list ( Jazzforum ) Cale pointed to a concert at the Jazz in 't Park in Ghent ( a city in the northwest part of Belgium) last Friday where they showed jazz films. One of those films was titled Sound of Jazz. This 1957 Sound of Jazz film fascinated me, so did a some research.

I love to share with you two fragments of this film. One with the Jimmy Giuffre Trio, featuring Jimmy Giuffre on tenor and baritone saxophone and clarinet, Jim Hall guitar and Jim Atlas on bass ( The Train and the River). The second fragment is by Thelonious Monk, playing Blue Monk with Ahmed Aboul-Malik and Osie Johnson.
Time exposure of the 26th of August:
- dawning / you don't like it - not much = golden gate o
- sugar babe, i'm leavin' = blue steele o
- carina / satan takes a holiday / study in brown / swinging guitars / carina = john cali-tony gattuso
Keep swinging
Hans Koert

blindfold test #21/groove merchant = blindfold test #20/milan molovan = hot-dance & vintage jazz/glen richards (mp3) = sonny rollins/the freelance years-3
Nederlands ( To the English translation )
Billie Holiday - Lester Young - Coleman Hawkins and Gerry Mulligan
Gisteren hadden we familiedag, zodat er van jazz luisteren niet veel gekomen is. Op het Jazzforum las ik een bijdrage van Cale over een Jazz in 't Park concert in Gent van afgelopen vrijdag, waarbij ook jazzfilms vertoond werden. Eén van die films heette Sound of Jazz. Deze film maakte me nieuwsgierig en daarom heb ik er wat onderzoek naar gedaan.

Ik vond twee fragmenten uit deze live TV uitzending, die ik jullie graag wil laten zien. Eén met het Jimmy Giuffre Trio, met daarin Jimmy Giuffre op tenor- en baritone saxofoon en klarinet, Jim Hall op gitaar en Jim Atlas op bas. ( The Train and the River). Het tweede fragment bevat Thelonious Monk, die Blue Monk vertolkt met Ahmed Aboul-Malik en Osie Johnson.
- dawning / you don't like it - not much = golden gate o
- sugar babe, i'm leavin' = blue steele o
- carina / satan takes a holiday / study in brown / swinging guitars / carina = john cali-tony gattuso
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
blindfold test #21/groove merchant = blindfold test #20/milan molovan = hot-dance & vintage jazz/glen richards (mp3) = sonny rollins/the freelance years-3
Keep Swinging Oscar Aleman Flexible Records Choro Music Hit of the week - Durium
Labels: jimmie giuffre, sound of jazz, thelonious monk
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