Modern Clarinet Stylists
( Naar de Nederlandse vertaling.)

The first impressions of this CD are as a rather subjective compilation of US and European jazz recordings from the late 1940s and early 1950s. But that’s not true; in fact it is a careful selection of rare recordings with early examples of the modern clarinet styles.
The clarinet has always been an instrument used in the classical and traditional jazz by those legends like Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and Woody Herman. By the mid-1940s and the advent of bop, the saxophone became the instrument for young players and the clarinet was only the instrument to start up their careers. Buddy DeFranco, to be found in the second part of this compilation, played in the early 1940s in the big bands of Gene Krupa, Charlie Barnet
and Tommy Dorsey. He became influenced by Charlie Parker’s alto saxophone playing and converted it in his own modern clarinet style. In 1951 he tried to establish his own big band, but commercial this wasn’t very successfully. These recordings, sought after by record collectors, are now available for a larger audience. Until the present day Buddy DeFranco is the leading clarinet player that plays his instrument in a way that has its base in the bebop style. He even dethroned the “King of Swing” Benny Goodman as the “Number One Clarinet Player” in several polls year by year. In fact he is not the only clarinet player who gave the clarinet his modern sound.
The first part of this album is reserved for two Swedish musicians. Isn’t it strange that two European clarinet players put, beside Buddy DeFranco, there stamp on the modern clarinet style?
Stan (Åke) Hasselgård started as an amateur player in the early 1940s. In fact he played then already in the modern style long before Buddy DeFranco rediscovered it. Benny Goodman invited Stan to the US and let him play with his septet. He played professionally in Sweden with Arthur Osterwall and Simon Brehm. The first two recordings on this CD are with a group featuring the latter. Simon Brehm was the best Swedish double bass player in the bebop idiom during the 1940s and 1950s. In the same period he recorded with
the Bob Laine-Gösta Törner Sextett, on this compilation to be found as “Stan Hasselgard with Bob Laine”. In the year before he died, he lived in the US and played with great artists like Benny Goodman, Max Roach and Barbara Carroll. He died Nov. 1948.
The other modern clarinet stylist is Putte Wickman. He started as a swing clarinet player, but later he turned to modern styles, like bebop and cool jazz, but never forgot his start in the swing idiom. In 1948 he became the leader of the sextet that is to be found on this CD. With this sextet he made several recordings during the entire 1950s featuring the well known blind Swedish piano player Reinhold Svensson, who played in a style similar to George Shearing. This CD, that contains material that never has been reissued, as far as I know, should be in every collection that contains European jazz and the Buddy DeFranco fans will enjoy these nowadays rare to find recordings. Enjoy the music.
I found a fragment of a 1973 concert of Buddy DeFranco to illustrate his clarinet playing. Enjoy After You've Gone.
Nederlands ( To the English translation )
Op het eerste gezicht lijkt deze CD een tamelijk willekeurige verzameling opnamen met eurojazz, aangevuld met opnamen van het orkest van Buddy DeFranco. Niets is minder waar ! In feite bevat deze CD een zorgvuldig samengestelde selectie van plaatopnamen uit de jaren veertig en vijftig waarin de pioniers van de moderne klarinetstijl zich laten horen.

The first impressions of this CD are as a rather subjective compilation of US and European jazz recordings from the late 1940s and early 1950s. But that’s not true; in fact it is a careful selection of rare recordings with early examples of the modern clarinet styles.
The clarinet has always been an instrument used in the classical and traditional jazz by those legends like Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw and Woody Herman. By the mid-1940s and the advent of bop, the saxophone became the instrument for young players and the clarinet was only the instrument to start up their careers. Buddy DeFranco, to be found in the second part of this compilation, played in the early 1940s in the big bands of Gene Krupa, Charlie Barnet

The first part of this album is reserved for two Swedish musicians. Isn’t it strange that two European clarinet players put, beside Buddy DeFranco, there stamp on the modern clarinet style?
Stan (Åke) Hasselgård started as an amateur player in the early 1940s. In fact he played then already in the modern style long before Buddy DeFranco rediscovered it. Benny Goodman invited Stan to the US and let him play with his septet. He played professionally in Sweden with Arthur Osterwall and Simon Brehm. The first two recordings on this CD are with a group featuring the latter. Simon Brehm was the best Swedish double bass player in the bebop idiom during the 1940s and 1950s. In the same period he recorded with

The other modern clarinet stylist is Putte Wickman. He started as a swing clarinet player, but later he turned to modern styles, like bebop and cool jazz, but never forgot his start in the swing idiom. In 1948 he became the leader of the sextet that is to be found on this CD. With this sextet he made several recordings during the entire 1950s featuring the well known blind Swedish piano player Reinhold Svensson, who played in a style similar to George Shearing. This CD, that contains material that never has been reissued, as far as I know, should be in every collection that contains European jazz and the Buddy DeFranco fans will enjoy these nowadays rare to find recordings. Enjoy the music.
I found a fragment of a 1973 concert of Buddy DeFranco to illustrate his clarinet playing. Enjoy After You've Gone.
(AH) Expressens Elitorkester 1947 / 1. How High The Moon (a) 2. Stompin’ At The Savoy (a) (AH) Bob Laine-Gösta Törner Sextett (on the CD as “Stan Hasselgard with Bob Laine”) / 3. Blues Cupol (b) 4. Ain’t Misbehavin’ (b) 5. Someday Sweetheart (c) (PW) Putte Wickmans Orkester / 6. Blue Skies (d) 7. When Lights Are Low (e) (PW) Putte Wickman Sextett / 8. I’ll Remember April (k) 9. Ko-Ko (k) 10. I’m In The Mood For Swing (l) (BdF) Buddy DeFranco and his Orchestra / 11. Dancing On The Ceiling (f) 12. Out of Nowhere (f) 13. Body and Soul (f) 14. Rupus Room (g) 15. Make Believe (h) 16. Why Do I Love You (h) 17. The Closer You Are (j) 18. Too Many Dreams (j) 19. Swing Low Sweet Clarinet (j) 20. Will You Still Be Mine (j)
AH = (Stan Åke Hasselgård) PW = Putte Wickman BdF = Buddy DeFranco
a = 29 Apr. 1947 / b = 3 May 1947 / c = 12 Jun. 1947 / d = 26 Jan. 1949 / e = 4 May 1949 / f = 19 Feb. 1951 /g = 26 Mar. 1951 / h = 22 Jul 1951 / j = 14 Oct 1951 / k = 23 Mar 1953 / l = 20 May 1953 (All recordings in Stockholm except the 1951 Buddy DeFranco recordings (New York City))
AH = (Stan Åke Hasselgård) PW = Putte Wickman BdF = Buddy DeFranco
a = 29 Apr. 1947 / b = 3 May 1947 / c = 12 Jun. 1947 / d = 26 Jan. 1949 / e = 4 May 1949 / f = 19 Feb. 1951 /g = 26 Mar. 1951 / h = 22 Jul 1951 / j = 14 Oct 1951 / k = 23 Mar 1953 / l = 20 May 1953 (All recordings in Stockholm except the 1951 Buddy DeFranco recordings (New York City))
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
keepswinging@live.nlHans Koert
Nederlands ( To the English translation )

De klarinet werd tot dan toe vooral gebruikt in de meer traditionele vormen van de jazz en dat heeft ons giganten als Benny Goodman, Charlie Barnet en Woody Herman opgeleverd. Bij de opkomst van de bebop in de jaren veertig blijkt de saxofoon het instrument bij uitstek en de klarinet lijkt gedoemd te zijn een bescheiden rol te spelen als instrument, waarop je alleen nog dixieland kunt spelen. Met Buddy DeFranco veranderde dat allemaal. Buddy leerde het vak begin jaren veertig in de big bands van Gene Krupa, Charlie Barnet en Tommy Dorsey. Hij raakte gefascineerd door het spel van Charlie Parker en paste de nieuwe harmonielijnen toe in zijn eigen klarinet spel.
In 1951 formeerde hij zijn eigen orkest, maar dat bleek commercieel geen succes en werd na een jaar weer opgeheven. Deze DeFranco MGM big band opnamen zijn nu zeer gezocht en voor het eerst terug te vinden op deze CD. Buddy DeFranco won met zijn klarinetspel in de VS de ene poll na de andere en tot op de dag van vandaag boeit hij een grote schare enthousiaste fans. Voor hen is hij de grondlegger van het moderne klarinetspel, maar dan wordt er gemakshalve voorbijgegaan aan het spel van Stan (Åke) Hasselgård en Putte Wickman, twee Zweedse klarinettisten, die ook hun stempel op het moderne klarinetspel hebben gedrukt.

Eerstgenoemde speelde begin jaren veertig al klarinet in diverse lokale bandjes in een stijl, die later door Buddy DeFranco weer herontdekt werd. Hij speelde professioneel bij de groepen van Arthur Osterwall en Simon Brehm. De eerste twee opnamen van deze CD zijn gemaakt onderleiding van laatstgenoemde. Simon Brehm was de beste bassist uit die tijd, die speelde in de bebop stijl.
Uit deze zelfde tijd dateren de opnamen met het Bob Laine-Gösta Törner Sextett, die op deze CD terug te vinden zijn als “Stan Hasselgard with Bob Laine”. Benny Goodman haalde Stan Hasselgard naar de VS en schoof hem naar voren in zijn septet. In 1948 vertrok Stan naar de VS, waar hij opnamen maakte met o.a. Max Roach. Veel te jong kwam hij door een auto ongeluk om het leven.

De andere Zweed, Putte Wickman, is ook zo’n vernieuwer, die op deze CD thuis hoort. Hij speelde in swing bands en ontwikkelde in de loop van de jaren zijn spel richting bebop en cool jazz. In de jaren vijftig maakte hij met zijn sextet, met daarin de blinde pianist Reinhold Svensson verschillende belangwekkende opnamen. Ook deze opnamen zijn hier te horen. De opnamen op deze CD zijn, voorzover bekend, nooit eerder heruitgegeven en dankzij de Japanner Tohru Seya weer uit de vergetelheid ontrukt; ze horen dan ook thuis in elke jazzcollectie.
IK vond een stukje film, waarin Buddy DeFranco zijn vakmanschap etaleert. Geniet van After You've Gone uit 1973.
IK vond een stukje film, waarin Buddy DeFranco zijn vakmanschap etaleert. Geniet van After You've Gone uit 1973.
(AH) Expressens Elitorkester 1947 / 1. How High The Moon (a) 2. Stompin’ At The Savoy (a) (AH) Bob Laine-Gösta Törner Sextett (on the CD as “Stan Hasselgard with Bob Laine”) / 3. Blues Cupol (b) 4. Ain’t Misbehavin’ (b) 5. Someday Sweetheart (c) (PW) Putte Wickmans Orkester / 6. Blue Skies (d) 7. When Lights Are Low (e) (PW) Putte Wickman Sextett / 8. I’ll Remember April (k) 9. Ko-Ko (k) 10. I’m In The Mood For Swing (l) (BdF) Buddy DeFranco and his Orchestra / 11. Dancing On The Ceiling (f) 12. Out of Nowhere (f) 13. Body and Soul (f) 14. Rupus Room (g) 15. Make Believe (h) 16. Why Do I Love You (h) 17. The Closer You Are (j) 18. Too Many Dreams (j) 19. Swing Low Sweet Clarinet (j) 20. Will You Still Be Mine (j)
AH = (Stan Åke Hasselgård) PW = Putte Wickman BdF = Buddy DeFranco
a = 29 Apr. 1947 / b = 3 May 1947 / c = 12 Jun. 1947 / d = 26 Jan. 1949 / e = 4 May 1949 / f = 19 Feb. 1951 /g = 26 Mar. 1951 / h = 22 Jul 1951 / j = 14 Oct 1951 / k = 23 Mar 1953 / l = 20 May 1953 (All recordings in Stockholm except the 1951 Buddy DeFranco recordings (New York City))
AH = (Stan Åke Hasselgård) PW = Putte Wickman BdF = Buddy DeFranco
a = 29 Apr. 1947 / b = 3 May 1947 / c = 12 Jun. 1947 / d = 26 Jan. 1949 / e = 4 May 1949 / f = 19 Feb. 1951 /g = 26 Mar. 1951 / h = 22 Jul 1951 / j = 14 Oct 1951 / k = 23 Mar 1953 / l = 20 May 1953 (All recordings in Stockholm except the 1951 Buddy DeFranco recordings (New York City))
Thank you, Hans, for your contribution on this great set of modern clarinet pioneers. The cd definitely is marvellous.
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