The transfer of an old Filmophone Record

A (limited) FILMOPHONE DISCOGRAPHY - Hans Koert.
Filmophone: a vulnerable 80 years old flexibel record
Leo Enticknap
(Hans Koert) A week ago, Leo Enticknap from York, England contacted me and told me he had made a transfer of one of those rare Filmophone records I described in my Flexible Records project. If you’ve ever seen a Filmophone flexible record, made of transparent celluloid in various gaudy colours, know that these ephemeral records are very vulnerable and most are unplayable after 80 years. After all those years it might have shrinked, so the surface might be no longer flat anymore. And, of course, the material, the substrate, is rather soft, so the record might easily damage and have scratches and needle drops. Filmophone records, like Goodsons, Phonycords, (New) Flexos and other 1930s flexible records are hard to play now-a-days. I invited Leo to tell how he did this transfer that and below you’ll find his contribution, which became a rather technical story ( I'm sure the boffins will like it! ). At the end I'll introduce you to Sir Malcolm Campbell who actually does the speech on the transfered recording.
Filmophone records were so-called flexible records made in 1931 and half way 1932. Flexible records were the answer to the breakable shellac records. Flexible records, like Filmophone, Goodson, (New) Flexo, Phonycord and of course, the card board Durium ( e.g. the Hit of the weeks) records were made to play a dozen times and then throw away, but now, 80 years later, some have survived. The Filmophones, British made, were sold for 2/6. The first ones have, as mentioned before, brilliant colours – the “younger ones” are pressed in opaque black celluloid. There was no paper label, but the information is engraved in silver or gold letters in the surface. With help of the Flexible Records project and the Flexible Records blog I hope to preserve some of these rare labels. The Durium records have been extensively described in the Hit of the week - Durium weblog and the online Hit of the week - Durium discography.
This Filmophone record from 1932 (no. 164), belongs to a friend, who knew that I collected shellac 78s and asked if I could make him a digital copy. I was apprehensive about trying, due to the very fragile nature of the record substrate. This appears to be either cellulose diacetate or cellulose acetate butyrate. It isn't cellulose nitrate, because it doesn't have the characteristic mothball smell of nitrate - I'm a film archivist by profession and would recognise that smell anywhere. The substrate had shrunk slightly, making the surface uneven. I managed to more or less flatten it by putting the record on the turntable platter and placing a thick, heavy, 1908 12" shellac 78 on top of it overnight.


The automated noise reduction features of Audition were really designed with tape hiss in mind rather than the surface noise of records, and so the only functions I tend to use are the equalisation ones and the 'fill in single click' to manually get rid of the worst noise and scratches. In the last minute or so of side 1 of the Campbell record there is a deep scratch. I probably could have eliminated it by nuking each 'pop' individually, but I didn't have the time! For this record I applied an approximation of the Blumlein curve using the graphic equaliser function, followed by a scientific filter to roll off the frequency response above 3khz, which gets rid of a surprising amount of the surface noise. I find that you need to experiment with the cutoff level from side to side: both the pressing (e.g. HMVs are a lot noisier than Columbias, in my experience) and how worn the side is can make a difference. When these records were in mainstream use they were played with steel needles, and it doesn't take too many passes with one of those to inflict considerable wear.
My World’s Record part one – Sir Malcolm Campbell
My World’s Record part two – Sir Malcolm Campbell
Recorded 1931 and released as Filmophone no. 164
Leo Enticknap (York (GB)) or ldge[at]enticknap[point]net
This contribution has been published in English at the Flexible Record blog too and in Dutch as Het digitaliseren van een oude Filmophone. (translated in Dutch by Hans Koert)

Leo Enticknap is a university lecturer and former moving image archivist living in York, United Kingdom. Since 2006 he worked at the Institute of Communications Studies at the University of Leeds as a Lecturer in Cinema. His research and teaching interests focus on the political history of non-fiction film and television, the history of moving image technologies and the practice and ethics of archival film preservation and restoration. On his website you can find more info about his projects ( source: Leo's own website)

You can find more photos of FILMOPHONE records at the online FLEXIBLE RECORDS Project site.
134 - Crying For The Carolines / Singing My Way Round The World - PHIL REGENT and his ORCHESTRA
143 - My Man / My Handy Man = ANY BURTON
164 –My World’s Record = SIR MALCOLM CAMPBELL
190 – Egyptian Ella / I Lost My Gal Again = THE REGENCY DANCE ORCHESTRA
203 - Ten Cents A Dance = ARTHUR LALLY and his ORCHESTRA
210 – Maire My Girl / The Floral Dance = PETER SINCLAIR
216 – Musical Comedy Switch! = ARTHUR LALLY and his BAND
219 = Roll on Mississippi Roll On - ARTHUR LALLY and his ORCHESTRA
223 - When I Take My Sugar To Tea - FENTON's RAINBOW
224 – Mood Indigo / Farewell Blues - FENTON's RAINBOW
239 – I Surrender Dear / African Lament = ARTHUR LALLY and his ORCHESTRA
241 – Two Little Blue Little Eyes - FENTON's RAINBOW 262 – I’m Crazy ‘bout My Babuy – AL DOLLAR and his TEN CENTS ( = Cab CValloway and his Orchestra)
303 – I Found A Million Dollar Baby - AL DOLLAR and his TEN CENTS (= Chick Bullock and his Levee Loungers)
304 – My Honey’s Loving Arms = AL DOLLAR and his TEN CENTS (= Cab Callloway and his Orchestra)
322 – We = ARTHUR LALLY and his BAND
329 – Have You Forgotten / Now I Have You = FREDERICK HARTLEY NOVELTY QUINTET
353 – When It’s Sleepy Time Down South / Linda = JIMMY FERGUSON and Orchestra
375 – My Sweet Tooth Says = VERA WUNSON with ORCHESTRA
402 – Oh Mo’nah = NEW CUMBERLAND DANCE ORCHESTRA (= mogelijk Billy Cotton Band)
441 – Open Up Dem Dearly Gates = FRED DOUGLAS
444 – There’s A Rng Around The Moon / Home = C.D. SMART - WURLITZER ORGAN

Hit of the week - Durium Discography Harlem Hot Chocolates Wat een Meisje Weten Moet Music on the Antarctic Unknown Italian Cardboard Record Goodson Records Oscar Aleman Choro Music Flexible Records Hit of the Week-Durium Keep Swinging News letter Keep Swinging Contributions
Labels: filmophone, malcolm campbell
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