Champagne Charlie - Down The Road
( Naar de Nederlandse vertaling.)
Next weekend, Saturday the 25th of August 2007, the Dutch roots and blues group Champagne Charlie presents its new album, titled Down The Road. This group, popular in the south west part of the Netherlands and environs, wants to create pre war country blues, jug band and other guitar based music. The six piece band features Sjef Hermans, Theo De Koning, Geert De Heer, Peter Bout, Peter Lenselink en Gait Klein Kromhof.
This group celebrates its 20th birthday next summer and plays regular in the Desafinado Jazz Café in Middelburg, in the southwest part of the Netherlands. They released nine CDs before, like Live in Razzmatazz, Round 'n' Round and Mr. Charlie's Blues - Live at 't Spiegeltheater. Listen to some fragments from that last CD: Drinkin' Wine and Rich Girl.
On Saturday 25th of August 2007 they will introduce their 10th CD Down The Road, which contains Train Songs, Road Songs, Songs About Leaving and Song About Trying To Get Home. Two guest musicians, who played on this album, the American vocalist Karen Neumann and violin player David Egter Van Wissekerke, will be present during the presentation. Champagne Charlie and guests will perform tunes from their new record at the Koorkerkplein ( in front of Desafinado Jazz Café) between 2.00 and 5.00 hrs p.m. during a free concert.

Time exposures for the 18th of August:

hawaiian steel guitar phenomenon/slidin' on the frets = jazz in history I/louis jordan-charlie parker-bud powell-lennie tristano (2) = nick lucas/radio airchecks and interviews = larry willis trio/the big push
Nederlands ( To the English translation )
Komend weekend, zaterdag 25 augustus 2007, presenteert de Zeeuwse Roots en Blues groep Champagne Charlie haar nieuwste CD, getiteld Down The Road. Deze band, populair in zuidwest Nederland ( en ver daar buiten) wil met haar muziek de vooroorlogse country blues, jug- en stringband muziek doen herleven. De zesmansgroep bestaat uit Sjef Hermans, Theo De Koning, Geert De Heer, Peter Bout, Peter Lenselink en Gait Klein Kromhof.
De groep viert volgende zomer haar twintigjarig bestaan en speelt regelmatig in Desafinado, het jazz-eetcafé van Middelburg. Ze brachten tot nu toe al negen CDs uit waaronder Live in Razzmatazz, Round 'n' Round en Mr. Charlie's Blues - Live at 't Spiegeltheater. Luister maar eens naar twee fragmenten uit deze laatste CD: Drinkin' Wine en Rich Girl.
Op zaterdag 25 augustus 2007 zullen ze hun nieuwste CD, die volgens hen Train Songs, Road Songs, Songs About Leaving en Songs About Trying To Get Home bevat, tijdens een gratis optreden presenteren op het Koorkerkplein (onder de Lange Jan) voor Desafinado van 14.00 u tot 17.00 u. Twee gastmusici, die ook aan de CD hebben meegewerkt, de Amerikaanse zangeres Karen Neumann en de violist David Egter van Wissekerke zullen meespelen. Verder zijn er optredens van de Vlissingse pianist Jan van de Berg en Jac Hustinx van Shiner Twins.

Tijdopnamen voor 18 augustus:

hawaiian steel guitar phenomenon/slidin' on the frets = jazz in history I/louis jordan-charlie parker-bud powell-lennie tristano (2) = nick lucas/radio airchecks and interviews = larry willis trio/the big push
Keep Swinging Oscar Aleman Flexible Records Choro Music Hit of the week - Durium

On Saturday 25th of August 2007 they will introduce their 10th CD Down The Road, which contains Train Songs, Road Songs, Songs About Leaving and Song About Trying To Get Home. Two guest musicians, who played on this album, the American vocalist Karen Neumann and violin player David Egter Van Wissekerke, will be present during the presentation. Champagne Charlie and guests will perform tunes from their new record at the Koorkerkplein ( in front of Desafinado Jazz Café) between 2.00 and 5.00 hrs p.m. during a free concert.
Time exposures for the 18th of August:
- i'm going back to bottomland / you'll long for me = clarence williams jazz kings
- mighty like the blues / my buddy / pardon me pretty baby / somebody loves me = bennie carter-coleman hawkins-freddy johnson o
- stardust = coleman hawkins-freddie johnson
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
hawaiian steel guitar phenomenon/slidin' on the frets = jazz in history I/louis jordan-charlie parker-bud powell-lennie tristano (2) = nick lucas/radio airchecks and interviews = larry willis trio/the big push
Nederlands ( To the English translation )

Op zaterdag 25 augustus 2007 zullen ze hun nieuwste CD, die volgens hen Train Songs, Road Songs, Songs About Leaving en Songs About Trying To Get Home bevat, tijdens een gratis optreden presenteren op het Koorkerkplein (onder de Lange Jan) voor Desafinado van 14.00 u tot 17.00 u. Twee gastmusici, die ook aan de CD hebben meegewerkt, de Amerikaanse zangeres Karen Neumann en de violist David Egter van Wissekerke zullen meespelen. Verder zijn er optredens van de Vlissingse pianist Jan van de Berg en Jac Hustinx van Shiner Twins.
Tijdopnamen voor 18 augustus:
- i'm going back to bottomland / you'll long for me = clarence williams jazz kings
- mighty like the blues / my buddy / pardon me pretty baby / somebody loves me = bennie carter-coleman hawkins-freddy johnson o
- stardust = coleman hawkins-freddie johnson
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
hawaiian steel guitar phenomenon/slidin' on the frets = jazz in history I/louis jordan-charlie parker-bud powell-lennie tristano (2) = nick lucas/radio airchecks and interviews = larry willis trio/the big push
Keep Swinging Oscar Aleman Flexible Records Choro Music Hit of the week - Durium
Labels: champagne charlie
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