Some times ago I found some video fragments of Japanese bands that perform in the so-called Hot Club style of Django Reinhardt. A month ago I pointed to a Japanese group that plays in the hawaiian style, The Sweet Hollywaiians; music you wouldn't associate with Japan. The two bands are the Yellow Django Revival, a hot string swing band that plays gypsy swing music and the other one is the Swing Niglots, recently renamed as Note Noire. The latter, Swing Niglots made three CDs up to now, titled Le Swing du Gant - Niglot Swing and Swing Noir.
The Canadian film maker Jamie Kastner made a documentary titled Djangomania, in which he wants to search the Hot Club music tradition in Europe, America and Japan. In Japan he filmed and interviewed the two bands. This film has been sceduled in The Netherlands in Het Uur van de Wolf and in several countries all over the world.

Yellow Django Revival is hot string swing band playing gypsy swing music such as Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli's hot jazz music (recorded 5th March 2005 in Japan.)
Embraceable you: Swing Niglots
Charlston (sic) by the Swing Niglots:

Time exposure for te 25th of September:
- sailors, beware! = stan laurel - oliver hardy
- basin street blues = bing crosby
- duplexity = lee konitz-ray nance
- balance / bedouin trail / benevolent one / metamorphosis / mr. b = dave holland quintet
Keep swinging
Hans Koert
blindfold test #35/bright moments = miles davis/complete vocalists sessions = sebastiao tapajos/sambas & bossas on guitar = david sanchez/travesia = leon redbone/live and kickin' = moro no brasil/a film by mika kaurismäki = dirty dozen brass band/this is jazz series = benny golson-freddie hubbard-woody shaw-kenny barron-cecil mcbee-ben riley/time speaks = jay jay johnson/quadromania - cd 2 (4) = la cumparsita en guitarra/compilation = lou blackburn/the complete imperial sessions
Nederlands ( To the English translation )
Enige tijd geleden vond ik een aantal filmfragmenten van Japanse bands, die in de Hot Club stijl van Django Reinhardt speelden. Een maand geleden wees ik op het bestaan van Japanse bands, die hawaiian muziek maken, zoals de Sweet Hollywaiians; voorbeelden van muziekstijlen, die je niet meteen met het Verre Oosten associeert. De twee bands, die ik nu tegenkwam zijn de Yellow Django Revival, een hot string swing band die gypsy-swing speelt en de Swing Niglots, recent omgedoopt tot de Note Noire. Deze laatste band heeft, onder de naam The Swing Niglots al drie CDs gemaakt, getiteld Le Swing du Gant - Niglot Swing en Swing Noir.
Ik vind het leuk om wat filmfragmenten van deze twee bands te laten zien. Het is goed om te beseffen dat ook in andere landen mensen actief zijn in deze Hot club traditie.
Yellow Django Revival is een hot string swing band die gypsy swing muziek speelt, op de manier zoals we die kennen van Django Reinhardt en Stephane Grappelli. ( gefilmd in Japan, 5 maart 2005).
Embraceable you: Swing Niglots
Charlston (sic) by the Swing Niglots:
Tijdopname voor 25 september:
- sailors, beware! = stan laurel - oliver hardy
- basin street blues = bing crosby
- duplexity = lee konitz-ray nance
- balance / bedouin trail / benevolent one / metamorphosis / mr. b = dave holland quintet
Hans Koert

blindfold test #35/bright moments = miles davis/complete vocalists sessions = sebastiao tapajos/sambas & bossas on guitar = david sanchez/travesia = leon redbone/live and kick in' = moro no brasil/a film by mika kaurismäki = dirty dozen brass band/this is jazz series = benny golson-freddie hubbard-woody shaw-kenny barron-cecil mcbee-ben riley/time speaks = jay jay johnson/quadromania - cd 2 = (4)la cumparsita en guitarra/compilation = lou blackburn/the complete imperial sessions
Keep Swinging Oscar Aleman Flexible Records Choro Music Hit of the week - Durium
Labels: hot club, japan, note noire, swing niglots, yellow django revival
Thank you, Hans, for this contribution regarding the influence of Django's music in the far East/Japan. It's quite interesting to watch the lead guitar player featured on the last two video-fragments. Obviously he has decided to copy Django's solo style literaly by using only two fingers on his left hand when soloing. I guess there is some secret hidden in this way of soloing, somewhat akward, indeed.
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