Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Time To Say Goodbye

Hans Koert 
Before Hans Koert (June 1st, 1951 - September 04, 2014) passed away on this date four years ago, I had promised him to keep some of his web domain updated, more precisely the keepitswinging blogspot, the oscar-aleman blogspot, the choromusic blogspot - all three blogs I have had access to as a co-editor and regular contributor of entries from the start of this part of Hans Koert's web activity. I made an agreement with Hans' widow to publish regular updates for four years and now the time has come to say goodbye. However, Hans' work will still be accessible in the version you find at the various sites assosiated with the keepitswinging domain which also applies for the online Oscar Alemán discography.

The Dutch Royal Library has saved a copy of everything accessible at Hans Koert's website and blogs, I'll quote from the message I had earlier this year:

"As part of the initiative of the Royal Library (KB) to save a selection of Dutch websites for future research, we also want to archive your site and keep them for the long term. It is the website and any subdomains that are accessible via the following URL (s): 
http://keepitswinging.blogspot.nl/ http://keepswinging.blogspot.nl/ 

As a national library, the KB is legally responsible for collecting, describing and storing in the Netherlands publications, electronic or not. The KB sees it as its task to keep websites durable and kept consulted for future generations and to preserve them for loss including technological obsolescence. (-) Therefore archive the KB websites which collections are representative of the Dutch culture, history and society on the Internet. (-) Your website will be archived and stored for this purpose durable. (-) The archive versions are to consult within our own building. They will also be made available to the general public via the KB website as soon as legally possible." 

For further information regarding the KB web archiving, please contact: 

Peter Bode, Web archiving KB 
PO Box 90407, 2509 LK Den Haag 

I thank readers and visitors of Hans Koert's webdomain for your support and I also thank Hans Koert's widow, Corrie Koert, and his brother Peter Koert for the opportunity to continue part of Hans' webactivity publishing new entries to keep the above mentioned blogs updated. Also a great thank you to friends and followers who have contributed with material and information published at the blogs I have had access to.

Update February 2020

Unexpectedly the Google account used by Hans Koert as his administrator access to the uploaded weblogs containing material from his private collection of photos and illustrations a.o. has been deleted by accident. This means that photos, illustrations and videos uploaded by Hans are no longer accessible at this and other blogs. Moreover, some blogs which only Hans have had administrator rights to handle are also no longer accessible. However, readers and visitors of the sites and blogs uploaded by Hans have an opportunity to use the Wayback Machine (WM) facility to get access to material not visible/accessible using the normal procedure. Below I'll insert links to the latest saved version of material at WM.

The original Keep Swinging blog is accessible from Wayback Machine by using this link
The Keep(it)Swinging weblog at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Oscar Alemán blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here 
The Choro Music blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here 
The Hit of the Week blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Flexible Records blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Keepitswinging Jazzlinks blogspot at Wayback Machine is accessible here
The Slik op de Weg blogspot in Dutch only is accessible at Wayback Machine here

I cannot guarantee that all internal as well as external links will work in the pages listed at WM, but this is the only available option that I can present as the current editor-in-charge. I hope this helps some of the problem of missing photos and blogs on Hans' uploaded pages.

Update October 2024

It is with a heavy heart and heartfelt annoyance that I have to inform readers and followers of Hans Koert's extensive online work that another external web host has stopped with online service and thus has cut off readers and followers from yet another part of HK's online work. This time it is HK's online Oscar Alemán discography that is no longer available. I haven't received messages from anyone about this, but discovered it this week end, ironically a couple of days before the 44th anniversary of Oscar Aleman's death, October 14 1980.

Unfortunately, I must note that the result of a comprehensive project, involving years of research and common interest as well as a good deal of passion is no longer available in HK's carefully prepared online OA discography. However, a copy of the last updated version of HKs OA discography is luckily saved at the Wayback facility here

Serious users of HK's discography are pointed to Andrés 'Tito' Liber's Spanish version of an updated Oscar Alemán discography that has common data with most of HK's online version. It is available by following this link

Another useful solution for research of Oscar Alemán's discography and musical output is Jan Evensmo's extensive Solography dedicated to Alemán's recordings. A pdf of the latest and last update can be downloaded  here

This update is the last post from me as acting editor of Hans Koert's online activity since September 2014.

If you have comments or questions, please contact me at jrgnlarsen5@gmail.com

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Goodson Records - A Special Request

Goodson Records
Update March 2022: The original blog message posted April 2018 contained a collector's request of a special edition of Goodson Records (see picture). This message has now been deleted by the admin. of the blog as a consequence of the present situation in Ukraine. Thanks for your understanding.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Announcement of Importance for Researchers/Collectors of Hit of The Week/Flexible Records Material

Hans Koert, who passed away in September 2014, was a passionated jazz collector and the author of the Hit of the Week and Durium Discography.

This entry is to inform you that Hans Koert's collection and archives of the HoW/Flexible Records now have been handed over to the files of the Doctor Jazz Foundation in The Netherlands.

For interested researchers/collectors it is possible to contact the Doctor Jazz Foundation for further information using the following link

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Wednesday, April 27, 2016


A couple of days ago I found out that the account for the Oscar Alemán website including Hans Koert's original OA online dicopgraphy a.o. hosted at opweb.nl is suspended (see previous blog entry). Unfortunately, I have not access to this account, thus, a renewal is out of my hands. Things are a bit complicated, as Hans Koert did not provide me with info how to handle a situation like this, and I now regret that I never asked, before it was too late. However, Hans Koert had a back-up of the online OA Discography uploaded at a local net-server, fortunately this version of the discography still works at my computer. Here is the link.

I cannot assure that the link works outside Europe/EUC and I would appreciate to have feed-back from readers of other regions/countries to clarify, if the mentioned link is accessible at their locations.

Visitors can contact me by using the e-mail stated below.

Until I have worked out an updated version of Hans Koert's online Oscar Alemán Discography, which may take some time, researchers of Alemán's recorded legacy have access to the latest updated info by visiting the recently published OA discography by Andrés 'Tito' Liber hosted at the weblog of Hot Club de Boedo, here 

Thanks for your support and understanding.

Jørgen Larsen

Sunday, April 24, 2016


Everything concerning Hans Koert's El Redescubrimiento de Oscar Alemán /The Rediscovery of Oscar Alemán project including the online OA Discography created by HK has suddenly vanished from the web, visitors have the following message:

*"This account has been suspended.
Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources."

Further, as a consequence of the suspended account the following of HKs work is also no longer available online:

Hit of The Week Discography, Durium Advertisement and Custom Records Discography, Durium (GB) Discography, the link site (Survey) and  HKs Articles index including uploaded pdf files.

Visitors get this message:

"Not Found - The requested URL /how.htm was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Apache/2 Server at www.durium.opweb.nl Port 80"

Until I find out what has happened to the mentioned websites, all further activity at the weblogs associated with the keepitswinging.doman is suspended.

Thanks for your support and understanding.

Jørgen Larsen

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Nagedachtenis - Hans Koert overleden

Nederland verliest een groot jazzkenner en een aimabel mens   
Hans Koert (1951-2014)

Op 4 september j.l. kwam het droeve bericht dat Hans Koert op 63-jarige leeftijd in zijn woonplaats Heinkenszand na een ernstige ziekte is overleden.
Zijn heengaan is een gevoelig verlies voor allen die serieus in jazz- en aanverwante muziek zijn geïnteresseerd. Want Hans was, naast zijn werk als docent, uiterst actief als een publicist/verzamelaar en als geen ander op de hoogte van wat er op jazzgebied omging.

Ik noem allereerst zijn passie voor gitarist Oscar Alemán, van wie hij de complete  verzameling opnamen bezat, alle details over diens leven kende en zelfs contact met zijn familie in Argentinië onderhield. Als hommage bracht Hans in 2002 een uitgebreide discografie van Oscar’s werk uit.

Voorts was er zijn “Hit of the Week” project (het digitaliseren van alle vroegere hits op Duriumplaten van de jaren 1930-32). Hij completeerde dit enorme project in 2011 waarbij al deze platen op vier dubbel-cd’s werden uitgebracht; een eerste volledige discografie.

Maar de grootste bekendheid verkreeg Hans door zijn weblogs die vanaf ca. 2006 uitkwamen onder de naam “Keep (it) Swinging" . Daarin publiceerde hij regelmatig gedetailleerde artikelen zoals bijvoorbeeld over Oscar Alemán, Choro Music en ‘Hits of the Week’. Deze werden gevolgd door frekwente publicaties over talloze jazzmusici en orkesten, zowel traditioneel als eigentijds en ook door verslagen van bijzondere jazzconcerten.

De blogs waren rijkelijk geïllustreerd met foto’s (veelal door hem zelf gemaakt) en bevatten vaak zeldzame audio-fragmenten van historische waarde. Door daarnaast Engelse versies uit te geven kreeg “Keep (it) Swinging” ook internationale aandacht en respons. In totaal verschenen er vanaf het begin zo’n 2000 blogs van zijn hand en men kan zich voorstellen wat een immens werk Hans daaraan moet hebben gehad. De laatste jaren bracht hij trouwens ook nog digitale ‘Nieuwsbrieven’ uit.

Ik werkte zelf met Hans samen voor mijn artikelen over de vooroorlogse Franse jazz en dat contact verliep steeds perfect en met humor. Op bezoek bij hem heb ik met bewondering zijn uitgebreide reeks naslagwerken bekeken. Samen waren wij in 2010 aanwezig bij het unieke concert in Dongen, ter gelegenheid van het 100e geboortejaar van Django Reinhardt.

Door mijn uitwisseling met Hans kwam ik vele jaren geleden in contact met Jorgen Larsen uit Denemarken, met wie ik veel uitwissel..Van hem werden niet alleen Engelstalige artikelen gepubliceerd, maar hij nam zelfs taken van Hans over (bijv. tijdens vakanties). Op verzoek van Hans zal Jorgen weblogs blijven verzorgen, zodat “Keep it Swinging” niet stopt.

Ik zal Hans missen, niet alleen vanwege zijn grote jazzkennis, maar ook als vriend en ik  wens zijn vrouw Corrie veel sterkte met dit verlies – Hans blijft zeker in ons aller gedachten.
                  Georg Lankester

Monday, September 15, 2014

In Memoriam Hans Koert - by Georg Lankester

Hans Koert (1951-2014)
Hans Koert  deceased   

Holland has lost a great jazz specialist and a warm person   

On September 4, 2014 the sad news arrived that Hans Koert, at the age of 63 years, passed away in his residence Heinkenszand (Holland) after a serious disease.
His decease is a sore loss for all those who are really interested in jazz and related music, because Hans – apart from his profession as a teacher – was a dynamic publicist/collector and always well-informed about both the historical and contemporary jazz.
First of all Hans’ great passion for guitarist Oscar Alemán should be mentioned. Not only did he possess the complete collection of Alemáns’ recordings, but he knew every detail about the artist and even maintained contact with his relatives in Argentina..
As an homage Hans released an extensive discography on Oscars’ records in 2002..
Next  there was his “Hit of the Week” project (creation of a digital file of the old flexible ‘Durium’ records from the years 1930/32). Hans completed this huge project in 2011 whereby all recordings were issued on four double CDs.-  the first complete discography ever.
However, Hans’ activities became widely known when he started to release regulalrly weblogs from 2006 under the name “Keep (it) Swinging. These detailed blogs both in Dutch and English included info on Oscar Alemán, ‘Choro’ (Music from Brazil) and ‘Hits of the Week’.
Later these blogs were followed by interesting publications on jazz artists and bands, of both traditonal or contemparary origin and also reports on special concerts were released.
The blogs included many photos (Hans was also an excellent photographer and always had an eye for well chosen pictures to accompany the texts) and often rare audio fragments of historical value were inserted to complete the texts. By releasing English translations as well, “Keep (it) Swinging” received  international attention and feed-back. In total more than  2000 blogs were published and one can imagine how much work this must have represented. The last few years also digital Newsletters have been published.
I worked together with Hans for my publications on the pre-WW2  French jazz and our contact was always pleasant and full of humour. During a visit to his home it was impressive to find  so many reference books and records. I also remember that we both attended that unique concert which was given to celebrate the 100 years’ anniversary of Django Reinhardt’s birth.
Through my frequent exchange with Hans, I came into contact with Jorgen Larsen from Denmark.with whom I alo cooperate in jazz projects. Over the years Jorgen and Hans made and issued blogs together. That’s why Hans, prior to his passing away, asked Jorgen to continue his project, so fortunately “Keep (it) Swinging” will live on.
I shall miss Hans, not only beause of his great knowledge of jazz, but as a friend.and I wish his wife, Corrie, much strength in these difficult times. But with me, many others will always remember Hans with great respect.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Georg Lankester

Thursday, September 11, 2014

In Memory of Hans Koert, September 2014

Dear readers,

I have collected some of the notifications according Hans Koert's passing on September 4th, 2014. The following is a list of quotes from people who have reacted in forwarded e-mails or as comments on some of Hans' weblogs.

So sorry to hear of Hans’ passing. He was dedicated to bringing us all a little closer to the musicians we all have known and loved over the years. His enthusiasm was boundless and his seemingly endless supply of good humor came across, even in his writing. He will be missed. - Malcolm Rockwell 

Through the distance, my condolences for Hans` wife, his family and friends.- Luis ‘Tito’ Liber 

What sad news. Unfortunately, I never met Hans, but I admire the Oscar Alemán page. - Sincerely yours Sergio Pujol.

We are really sorry to hear this. Hans was the ultimate "alemaniac" as he always posted on the blog. He gave a lot to the memory of Oscar Aleman and many other artists on the Keep swinging blog. A lot of interesting information with a lot of love and passion were behind every post. He will be remembered. Our condolences to Corrie. - José Iacona 

Thank you for this sad information. Our condolences to you and to Corrie.Best wishes, Richard and Meagan Hennessey, Archeophone Records

My sincerest condolences on Hans Koert’s passing. - Jim Eigo, Jazz Promo Services

I am really sorry to know about Hans Koert's passing, please give my condolences to his family.- Michele Ariodante

 blog comments:
Thank you for sharing this sad news with us, he will be missed. My condolences to friends and family. - http://juffrouwjo.wordpress.com/ 

It is a great loss and we will miss him a lot. - Jorgelina Alemán, Daniel Cossarini 

Hans, Your work and legacy will never stop swinging. - Lao Iacona.

Una muy lamentable noticia, siempre te recordaremos, nuestras condolencia a su familia. - Hot Club de Boedo 

Hans Koert did an incredible work to preserve the memory and career of Oscar Aleman. Thanks for everything Hans! Rest in peace. - José Iacona


Thanks for your support!

My personal farewell in still footage and music. Thanks for everything, dear friend!


Thursday, September 04, 2014

Hans Koert (1951 - 2014)

Hans Koert (1951-2014)
Dear readers,

I had the sad news this afternoon that Hans Koert passed away this morning. Hans Koert died from complications caused by a lung cancer that has kept him inactive at his website and blogs for some months. I have lost a dear friend, however, my thoughts and condolences in this difficult hour I forward to Corrie, Hans' wife, 

If you wish to express your compassion or send a condolence notification, I will state Corrie's postal address below. You may also state your message by notifying me at the e-mail address below, then I'll forward your message to Corrie. As always, you can also use the comment facility at the blog, if you prefer this solution.

Hans Koert was the founder and main editor of the Keep Swinging website including under-webs and blogs. Before it was too late, I promised Hans to continue his work the best I can. If you have questions or comments regarding this, please feel free to contact me in an e-mail.

Here is the postal address of Corrie Koert:

Ms. Corrie Koert
Torenvalkstee 8
NL-4451 CM Heinkenszand
The Netherlands

The e-mail address to send condolence notification or questions, please use this:


Thank you for your support!

Jørgen Larsen

Monday, March 24, 2014

Keep (it) Swinging: 2014-03

Newsletter March 2014 - Nieuwsbrief maart 2014

Benjamin Herman - Abraham Burton (photp courtesy Hans Koert)


Welcome to the Keep (it) Swinging newsletter, Due to severe health problems this one might be the last ones for the next months .... It really touches me! A few weeks ago the doctors told me that I'm suffering from lung cancer, which means that my health and energy will interfere making blogs about jjazz or jazz-releated subjects due to planned courses of chemotherapy. Of course I hope to be back within a few months ......  and meet you again at this spot. 

Please, let's keep in touch ...... keepswinging@live.nl 


Welkom lieve vrienden op deze (voorlopig) laatste Keep (it) Swinging nieuwsbrief.   Een paar weken geleden kreeg ik te horen dat ik longkanker heb, waarbij te verwachten valt dat de chemokuren, die deze week beginnen, al mijn energie zullen opeisen. Uiteraard hoop ik zo af en toe nog eens wat te posten om over een paar maanden de draad weer op te pakken. .....

Blijf me berichtjes sturen s.v.p. keepswinging@live.nl

From my mailbox:  ¡Impecable! Este tipo de aportaciones son como perlas que uno se encuentra sin andar buscándolas, o buscándolas de toda la vida. Un fuerte abrazo amigo Jo.  ( A well earned compliment for my friend and co-editor Jo Larsen)

Gerard stuurde me een herinnering n.a.v. Huize Poll en de concerten van Coleman Hawkins: Mijn schoonvader Herman Mertens, een fervent jazz speler, sax, tenor, piano, fluit, contra etc. werd in Bilthoven geboren en op zijn 17e verjaardag namen zijn broers Bruno en Hans hem mee naar een concert van Coleman Hawkins in de Bilt. Dat zal Huize Poll geweest zijn. Helaas zijn zij net overleden, anders hadden ze je meer kunnen vertellen, want de familie Mertens woonde lang op de Rubenslaan. Wel herinner ik dat Coleman in Nederland gespeeld heeft met Stephane Grappelli, Django Reinhard en de Ramblers, als ik mij zo herinner. Of dat allemaal in Huize Poll is geweest, weet ik niet. Veel succes met je research.
Vriendelijke groeten, kindest regards et cordialement,  Gerard

Dan asked me to point you to his Frank Goudie project: Hello Hans, 
Thanks, maybe you could inform your readers that I am reconstructing the life and career of Frank Goudie (and I am now starting with Peter Ducongé), so that any one who could have information about the subject could get in touch with me. Thanks, cordially, Dan Vernhettes

De zeldzame Tuck's Gramophone record Postcards, voor het eerst uitgebracht eind jaren twintig, zijn een gewild verzamelobject voor verzamelaars van vroege  picture discs en ansichtkaarten. Het grammofoonplaatje, waarmee Tuck zich in de crisisjaren probeerde in de "kaart" te spelen, is gemaakt van een "duriumachtig" materiaal, waarbij platenlabel Worldecho, dat maar een half jaar bestond, wel eens de ontbrekende schakel zou kunnen zijn .......
The rare Tuck's Gramophone record Post cards, released for the first time late 1920s, is a sought after colletor's item for picture disc collectors. The small gramophone stick on the Tuck post card, an amusing and interesting innovation (ad late 1920s) seems to have been made of a Durium-like acetate ..... It seems that the short lived record label Worldecho might have been the missing link ..... . 

Breng twee giganten op sax samen op het podium, zorg voor een stevige ritmesectie en een lekker volle zaal met geïnteresseerd publiek en je hebt volgens Rein de Graaff alle ingrediënten om "echte Jazz" te maken ....  Wie op zondagmiddag 2 maart 2014 Porgy en Bess (Terneuzen) had weten te vinden, kreeg "bebop op hoog niveau" voorgeschoteld ..... Een ouderwets concert vol historie!:  Abraham Burton - Benjamin Herman en het Rein de Graaff Trio in Porgy en Bess.

Jean-Pierre Morel ( photo courtesy:  Hans Koert)

Beware: Jean-Pierre Morel is my secret weapon against all those criticasters who stick to the meaning that all pre-war jazz in general and the music of the 1920s in particular, is outdated and can’t be seriously enjoyed by any normal acting jazz fan.The best way to wipe the floor with those critics, is to play them one of Jean-Pierre Morel's albums; Recently Morel's latest album has been released: Les Rois du Fox-Trot: We're Forever Blowing Bubbles.

Jo Larsen pointed us at the Choro-Music blog to a new Choro record by Toinho Gomes, entitled: Toinho Gomez: Choro: ( Jo Larsen) 

The Modern Jazz Quartet: één van de meest succesvolle en langst bestaande jazzkwartetten uit de tweede helft van de vorige eeuw ... Vier heren in pak ... Gladde muziek, die niet te veel mocht swingen - de MJQ, dat als Amerika's top-combo tegenwicht moest geven aan de opzwepende klanken van de bebop. Onlangs verscheen een historisch interessante opname uit 1957 uit de archieven van de Nord Deutsche Rundfunk (NDR)

The tune 'Saudades' was composed by Alfredo de Siano and recorded by a.o. Eduardo Armani y su Orquesta, probably late 1940s or early 1950s (- the recording by Armani was released on the 78 rpm  Victor 60-0474), and the style of music is noted as a 'batuque'. THe tune was also reecorded by Oscar Alemán y su Orquesta ( Jo Larsen) 

Thanks for reading my blogs - You can find a survey here and in the right menu bar of the Keep (it)   Swinging blog. 

Bedankt dat jullie mijn blogs wilden lezen:
  Je vindt een overzicht hier en in de rechtermenu van de Keep (it) Swinging blog.

Keep (it)  Swinging

Hans Koert

Keep (it) Swinging blog  - Keep (it) Swinging newsletter (and more)  Oscar Aleman Choro Music Flexible Records Hit of the Week-Durium 
Jazz contribution (up tp 2012) - Jazz contributions ( 2012-2014) - My concert log (1964-2013) - My concert log ( 2013-2014) - 2eHansJazz (jazzplaten zoeken een nieuw tehuis)  

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