Jazzwereld Feest

This morning our Danish guests will drive by car from Zeeland to Amsterdam, so please give them some space on the road as it seems Holland has a permanent rush hour in their opinion.
We had some pleasants days talking about good music, seeing interesting places and have some good food stuff ( I never had such a great pizza as I had last night !!) Thanks Hanne, Jørgen, Sine and Tue. Have a good stay in Amsterdam and a good flight back.
Tonight I'll join the North Sea Jazz Festival in Rotterdam.
Sixty seven years ago, in 1939, there was also a large jazz festival organized in Holland, in The Hague (Scheveningen). The 7th Jazzwereld Feest. One of the stars was Oscar Alemán, the Argentine jazz guitar player living in Paris around that time and famous because of his swinging guitar. He worked at Le Chantily in Paris at that time and every night the club filled with enthusiast admirers. He was sceduled in Scheveningen as the main attraction for the 14th of July, but a few weeks before that they learned that it was impossible to get Aleman on that day to Holland as the 14th of July is a National Holiday. The Le Chantily should have been crowded then so Oscar wasn't allowed to have some days off. The organisation made some changes in the programs so Oscar's concert was moved to the next day.
He told later that he was very suprised that a complete festival scedule was changed because of him.
I'll tell tomorrow some more about Oscar's appearance at the Jazzwereld Feest in Scheveningen.
This blog has also been posted at the Oscar Aleman blog spot
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