Sunday, April 30, 2006

Into The Blue - een website

In Wageningen ontmoette ik, al graaiend in de bakken bij Swingmaster, Paul. We bleken onze passie voor Blue Note platen te delen. Hij stuurde me de link van zijn web site, getiteld Into The Blue .

Wat me meteen overviel toen ik de site opende was een licht gevoel van jaloezie t.a.v. de vormgeving. De layout is, m.n. de startpagina, doordacht en stijlvol. Er is een duidelijk overzichtelijke menukeuze.
Hoewel de titel doet vermoeden dat de sites in de Engelse taal geschreven is is dat niet zo; de pagina's zijn in het Nederlands.
Paul heeft op zijn pagina's een overzicht gemaakt van de geschiedenis van de jazz, vanaf het allereerste begin tot aan de jazz van nu; informatie die ook te vinden is in boeken over jazz (maar waar vind je die tegenwoordig?). Zo zien de pagina's er ook uit; veel tekst, veel informatie en heel veel foto's. De website is dan ook vooral interessant voor hen die nog weinig weten over de jazz en zich daarin willen verdiepen, m.n. middelbare scholieren. Je kunt de site het best omschrijven als educatief.

Paul geeft verder op zijn pagina's een selectie van bijzondere platen, noot-zaak, die hij heeft en dan wordt het ook interessant voor de wat geroutineerde verzamelaar. Er zitten overigens een paar platen tussen die me bijzonder nieuwsgierig maken. (Gil Mellé, Julian Priester, Duke Pearson, Alan Shorter ..... alleen van de eerste ken ik zijn Blue Note opnamen)

De site leest zich als een boek en ik verwacht dat Paul in de toekomst zijn pagina's zo modeleert dat de boekvorm langzaam verschuift naar een webvorm, dus meer linken, minder tekst, misschien muziekfragmenten en een Engelse versie, om zijn pagina meer toegankelijk te maken voor de rest van de wereld.

Gefeliciteerd Paul met je site. Ik heb je site bij de favorieten gezet.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Wat een meisje weten moet - Louis Davids

During the early 1930s flexible records where a cheap and inbreakable solution for the breakable shellac record. The flexible records were also printable, so an excellent object to use for advertisement. In the Netherlands, Persil, the washing-powder (soap) company, made such an advertisment record that became on of the most beautiful picture discs. The advertisement was hidden in a tune "What a girl needs to know" sung by Louis Davids, the great Dutch vaudeville artist of the 1930s.

Listen to Wat elk meisje weten moet

There are two different versions of this picture discs. I can only show you one.

Wat een meisje weten moet - Louis Davids
recorded ca. 1930-1931 in Berlin.

There are up to 9 different songs on the reverse. Thanks to Rinus Blijleven, discographer, 6 of them could be listed here.


6128-A 04285 Mein Herr, ich hab' Sie schon gekannt, als Sie so klein war'n - Foxtrot
M: Willy Rosen/T: Willy Rosen und Marcel Lion


5087-B 01049 Donna Vatra Serenade argentine [Tango M: Otto Köpping Tango-Kapelle Morello [=Géza Komor]

Auch auf Tri-Ergon 5204; Colorit 3003 als "Tangokapelle Morello"; Colorit 3137 als "Tangokapelle Romeo"


20001-B 02731 La Donna E Mobile [Ach, wie so trügerisch] (Comme La Plume Au Vent) a.d. Oper "Aïda" M: Giuseppe Verdi
Chanté par Salvatore Salvati avec accompagnement d´orchestre (Italienisch gesungen)

Auch auf Star S.5009 als "Cav. Salvatre Salvati, tenor med orkester"


Das Blumenmädchen von Neapel - Tango

Das gib't nur einmal - Foxtr. - Aus "Der Kongress tanzt"

Bin, zwei, drei die ganze Kompanie - Marsch-Fox - aus "Kaisermanöver"

If you want to see Colorits and other Flexible records enjoy my web sites with more Flexible Records

I hope, Ate, this will answer your question.

Friday, April 28, 2006

First Hungarian Durium release discovered.

Sometimes you lay eyes on a small news paper message that tells that somewhere in the mountain forest in Tanzania a new animal is found. It must be thrilling to do such an discovery. Of course, the species isn't new, it lives in the forrest for ages, but it was never listed - that makes it so special.
This Lophocebus kipunji was discovered in Tanzania Nov. 2005.

Thanks to Ken Swerilas (USA) the first Hungarian Durium release has turned up again.

Have a look at my Hit of the week blog spot

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Thom Kelling - 42 years later

Thom Kelling, who died in 1968, was a well known Dutch entertainer - musician - vocalist who played his guitar most in the Latin-American tradition. Some sources say he was born in 1922 in South Africa, others say in The Hague. Now almost forgotten information about him is difficult to obtain.
He was a film actor in some films like Het Wonderlijke Leven van Willem Parel (1955) or Haunted in Holland (1960).

He made a lot of recordings with his South-American styled bands like Thom Kelling y su Conjunto.

For me he was the first artist I saw in concert. As a young 13 years old boy I saw him at a schoolconcert in Goes, a small city in the southwest of the Netherlands. I don´t remember much about the concert ( The ticket suggests he played in a trio at that concert), but I still feel the tension queueing up, to get an autograph on the reverse side of my income ticket.

Now, 42 years later, I bought myself an LP, called De Onvergetelijke Thom Kelling, released on Polydor in 1968 as a remembrance after his death.

I played it and I liked the music, although pretty dated, with tunes like The Coffee Song, Quizas Quizas Quizas and vaudeville titles like Langs het Strand van Spanje and De Professor.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Jazz Trumpet - a mess.

Although jazz musicians complain that their records don't sell in regular record shops, new reissues seem to spring up like mushrooms. Nowadays the music of the 1950s seems top-of-the-bill, the 1950s issues in bebop, cool and hardbop jazz. One of these series are the 3CD sets released by Brilliant Jazz, part of Foreign Media Group, a Dutch company. These 3CD sets are named Jazz Saxophone, Jazz Vocal, Jazz Gruops, Jazz Guitar, Jazz Piano and Jazz Trumpet. The source of its music is the Savoy Jazz Archive, as they say on the cover.

I bought myself the Jazz Trumpet 3CD set and learned that the discographical information is absent, except that the title is mentioned and the trumpet player that plays on that tune. ( like Fats Navarro - Hollerin' and Screamin' ). No further information. If you dive into the discographies it is possible to trace most of the information. The Navarro tune appeared to be a 1946 recording of the Eddie Davis Beboppers. How is his absent of information to be cleared? After 50 years, the law says, tunes and songs are free to use, and to be sure that no-one can complain the source of the recording is not mentioned. The music on these reissues haven't been taken from the Savoy Jazz Archive, but from one of the original records or reissues on which the record was released. That could be an 78rpm record or an LP that has been released 45 years ago !!

I played the CD and I enjoyed the Savoy Legacy. The music is fine and the sound quality is as I expected, but ...... listening to the first CD track track 2 ( Lee Morgan - Softly As In A Morning Sunrise ) I hear a lovable bass player that plays the melody and then, suddenly, the tunes ends. Track 3 is starting. First I thought I my record was a missprint, but after studying the discographies I learned that the compilers used a medley for this tune and cut it at the moment a new titles started. This is the info of the medley:

Hank Mobley Quintet: Lee Morgan (tp) Hank Mobley (ts) Hank Jones (p) Doug Watkins (b) Art Taylor (d)
Rudy Van Gelder Studio, Hackensack, NJ, November 5, 1956

SHM6903 Ballad Medley: Easy Living / P.S. I Love You / Softly, As in a Morning Sunrise / That's All

The bass player is Doug Watkins, but no Mobley on trumpet. The second part seems be used as track 13.

What a mess. I can except if producers give NO information, but using parts of medley's, cut off in a bad way, that doesn't even fit into the subject ( where is the trumpet player?) is for me unacceptable.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Stefan Lievestro Sextet in Porgy en Bess - 2

Het concert van het Stefan Lievestro Sextet werd jammergenoeg niet druk bezocht en dat lag zeker niet aan hun spel; het mooie weer zal daarvan wel de schuld geweest zijn.

De zes musici lieten in twee sets zien en horen dat ze vol ideeën zitten en samen een hecht team vormen. Het enthousiasme spatte er van af en dat is, wat mij betreft, een voorwaarde om tot iets moois te komen.Tijdens de twee sets werkte het sextet veel eigen composities van Stefan Lievestro af, die terug te vinden zijn op zijn nieuwste CD Breakfast in Walhalla. Die composities waren harmonieus soms leunend tegen de free jazz aan. Alle zes musici stonden hun mannetje, maar een speciale vermelding geldt wel voor Ed Verhoef, die de plaats van Jesse van Ruller moest opvullen - hij speelde voor de eerste keer mee en dat was niet te merken.

Het zal duidelijk zijn dat we van deze zes musici in de nabije toekomst nog meer zullen horen.

Foto's en meer informatie over dit concert
vindt U hier

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Stefan Lievestro Sextet in Porgy en Bess

The Stefan Lievestro Sextet will perform today at the Porgy en Bess Jazzclub in Terneuzen (The Netherlands).
The leader Stefan Lievestro is the bass player and he won the Deloitte Jazz award last year. Most of the members of the band are young jazz musicians, all of them with a lot of experieince in jazz performances.

The piano player is Harmen Fraanje who made a record with his own quartet, but also a great album ( Boompetit ) with Eric Vloeimans and Ernst Reijseger.

Hans van Oosterhout plays the drums on nearly 50 records and has been playing with great names like Toots Thielemans, Philip Catherine, Ralph Moore, Mark Murphy, Spike Robinson, Nat Adderley, Bob Malach, Victor Lazlo, Lee Konitz, Rick Margitza, Denise Jannah, Dee Dee Bridgewater, Kenny Wheeler, Marlena Shaw, Benny Golson, Johnny Griffin. He was proclaimed as the best European drummer.

Jasper Blom is a young sax player who has his own trio ( Red, Yellow and Blue). He was in concerts with great names as Lee Konitz, Chet Baker, Nat Adderley, Bob Brookmeyer, George Duke, Randy Crawford and David Liebman.

The guitar player Ed Verhoef relieves Jesse van Ruller who has a concert in Utrecht today. Ed Verhoef is a gifted guitar player to be heard with Hein van der Geyn's Baseline.

The last one, Mete Erker, is labeled as Our secret weapon, the loose canon... He's the youngest member of the band. A fast rising star that stuns friends and foes with his energetic outbursts.

This talented group of young Dutch Jazz Cats starts at 16.00 hrs at the Porgy en Bess Jazz club in Terneuzen (The Netherlands)

Stefan Lievestro web site

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Doctor Jazz Reunie

De Doctor Jazz Reunie zit er weer op. Als vanouds gezellig druk, veel bekenden en leuke dingen gevonden. Teruggekeerd met een originele V-disc ( had ik nog niet - voor de sier), een LP van Thom Kelling, de eerste "grote" artiest, die ik in 1964 als puber om een handtekening heb gevraagd ( Thom Kelling concert Oct. 1964 ) , verder LP's van Clifford Brown, Jimmy Smith (Blue Note), Herb Geller, Bob Brookmeyer, Art Farmer en Donald Byrd (Prestige), Buddy Collete en Stuff Smith. Verder nog even nostalgisch door (opnieuw) Sam Wooding's Barcelona opnamen te kopen op LP en de Firehouse Five + 2 (afgesabbelde Frisco). Leuke onverwachte ontmoetingen met de nu in Spanje wonende Argentijn Juan Carlos L., die Oscar Aleman nog bezocht heeft in 1980 en Ernst B., die met mij de fascinatie van jazz op video deelt. Verder een paar schitterende Hit of the week hoezen van Henk D. gehad en Axel van L. uit Antwerpen ontmoet, die ik alleen ken van het internet. Twee dubbel LPs van de Dutch Swing College Band gekocht, niet omdat ik daar nu net naar op zoek was, maar omdat Martin Beenen, drummer bij de Dutch Swing College Band (1956 - 1961) naast me stond, zodat ik ze wel moest kopen ( en meteen een handtekening natuurlijk). Bij Sam uiteraard mijn verzameling Blue Notes in de Rudy van Gelder en Connaisseur serie aangevuld. Verder tweedehands nog wat Zuid Amerikaanse muziek gekocht voor een eurootje per stuk, dus daar doen we niet moeilijk over.
Verder uiteraard het mooie nieuwe boek van Ate van Delden over Boy ten Hove gekocht. Ik kom hier zeker op terug en een boek over de gitaar in de Jazz. Aleman wordt in ieder geval twee keer genoemd.
Uiteraard ook nog al wat mensen gelukkig kunnen maken. Mijn videobanden ( m.n. de Betty Boops verkocht) en ook die banden die ik op DVD gezet had. Verder wordt mijn voorraadje te koop aangeboden CDs iedere keer kleiner, dus dat is ook een goed teken.

Ik heb tijdens de reunie het adres van mijn weblog verspreid, dus ik hoop op nogal wat lezer uit Wageningen. Ik zou het leuk vinden eens een reactie te krijgen.

Hans Koert
Pas mijn email adres even aan !!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Tunes For ' Toons - Betty Boop

I read the book Tunes For ' Toons written by Daniel Goldmark, released Oct. 2005.

The book made me very anxious what it had to say about the Fleischer's cartoons. The Fleischer 'toons attract my attentions because they use music as the basic for the story lines. In other cartoons the story might be the most important item; Fleischer starts with the tune. Goldmark gives as an example the Song Car-Tunes or Screen Songs. Two of those items I have in my collection - Down Among The Sugar Cane sung by Lillian Roth and You Try Somebody Else by Ethel Mermans. Each film is a mixture between film and cartoon and we would call it karaoke now. The starting point is the tune and the film is build around it. The vocalist sings the song and a bouncing ball jumps over the subtitles visible in the screen. In the middle of the film is always a part reserved for a cartoon.

In the early 1930s Fleischer started to use real musicians as a starting point for his Betty Boop cartoons, like Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway or Don Redman. If you have seen these jazzy Betty Boops you know that they start with a shot of the live orchestra playing a well known tune and after a minute the cartoon continues the story line. Nowadays we knit our brows when we see Louis acting like a cannibal seamless fitting into the racial prejudice of that times. Such a performance doesn't fit into our ideas about racism and integration. The book tries to explain why the 1930s American wanted to see it that way and the book notices that critics in the 1930s in the US revolt agains these kinds of films.

When I saw the Walt Disney reissue of the Silly Symphonies on DVD, I learned that the compilers noticed before the film starts that they won't to be identified with some racial parts of the film, like a black man dressed as a cannibal or an indian with a bow and arrow.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Herb Geller Sextette

Last week I treated myself on a CD, part of a new series. The series is called Original Long Play Albums and contains 20 albums so far.

I bought myself the Herb Geller Sextette CD, the last one in the series, and it contains some very fine West Coast jazz from a recording made in 1955. These recordings belong to the period Herb played in small groups together with his wife Lorraine. After his wife, who was a gifted bop pianist, died in 1958 Herb moved to Europe and worked for German radio orchestras for more then 30 years. He became a great soloist on alto sax.

I'm glad I was able to hear him play October 2002 in the Porgy en Bess Jazz Club in Terneuzen with John Ruocco, Jarmo Hoogendijk and the Rein de Graaff trio.

The other 19 CDs in the series Original Long Playing Albums contain music from Jimmy Giuffre, Maynard Ferguson, Oscar Peterson, Bobby Hackett and Gerry Mulligan to name few. I'm anxious to hear those long forgotten music soon.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Guitar Choro - part 6

In the sixth part of Joergen Larsen's essay about the Guitar Choro he talks about two recordings in his collection. The first one is dedicated to Pixinguinha and is played by Dilermancho Reis and the second one is a Fremeaux 2CD compilation of Choro music.

This contribution closes a series of articles published at
my web site in which Joergen Larsen introduces the Choro music in some essential recordings.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Ton van Bergeyk, the Dutch Wizard

Ton van Bergeyk started his musical carreer on guitar and ukulele playing as a fingerpicker, inspirated by the music of Oscar Aleman. Jørgen Larsen tells in the text Oscar Aleman - Ton van Bergeyk how Ton shares licks and tricks from Oscar Aleman recordings. Thanks to the releases of Stefan Grossman's Kicking Mule the music of this skilled guitar player has been recorded in the 1970s.

Ton van Bergeyk who played in groups like the Gangbusters and the Beau Hunks now is the regular guitar and banjo player of the Dutch Swing College Band.

The article of Jørgen Larsen is to be found here . Enjoy it.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Oscar Aleman - Teddy Bunn

Some interesting suggestions, made by Ton van Bergeyk, a professional guitar player for more then 30 years now and an Alemaniac as well, learn, that Oscar Aleman found some of his licks and inspirations in Teddy Bunn's recordings. Ton makes some similes in the Oscar Aleman blogspot you're invited to visit. The article is written by Jørgen Larsen, an Alemaniac as well.

Visit the
Oscar Aleman blogspot

Monday, April 10, 2006

Django Reinhardt: J'attendrai

In 1938 Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelly and their Quintet du Hot Club de France made a promo film for Decca records in London. The title of the tune is J' attendrai.

Enjoy it:

Django Reinhardt-Stephanne Grappelly & Hot Club Du France

The Hot Club du France still exist and has its own site. Please find the web sites and enjoy it.

To see the film you need Plugin flash

Sunday, April 09, 2006

What Hit of the week is most popular?

Record companies are seeking to promote their recordings. Today I received a message from Archeophone Records that they released a new record made by Arthur Pryor and His Band, Echoes From Asbury Park recorded between 1903 and 1913. The CD features 25 selections by the legendary maestro and his band, and they programmed it to simulate two concerts, like visitors a century ago to New Jersey's Asbury Park might have witnessed them.

To be honest, this period is for me too old and the music to far away to call it jazz, but the records made by Archeophone Records are of a good sound quality and the lines notes are very informative.

As Archeophone released two 2CDs filled with Hit of the week recordings I was interested to learn if they are still mentioned in the Most Popular list. ( The first 2CD ( Arch 3002) is still on 5 )).

Surfing on their website I learned that they now have a voting system to find out what tune is the most popular of each release. The voting list for the first The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings (volume 1) ( Arch 3002) is to be found here and here and the voting list for the second The Complete Hit of the Week Recordings volume 2 ( Arch 3003) here and here .

Please vote and if you like inform me what titles are your choice. As this is a new service from Archeophone they need a lot of votes. Let's have a look at the results within' a few weeks.

As this is a typical Hit of the week subject I have also posted this mesage on my Hit of the week web log

Friday, April 07, 2006

Hot Antic Jazz Band

Waste No Tears ( Bechet) by the HOT ANTIC JAZZ BAND ( Michel "Doc" Bastide cornet trombone, Jean-Francois "Sweet" Bonnel clarinet and saxes, Jean-Pierre "Papa-de" Dubois banjo, Gilles "The Furniture Remover" Berrut piano, Christian "King" Lefevre sousaphone and special guest Virginie Bonnel on clarinet. )
Recorded at a concert in Bath (Great Britain) 7 April 1981.
(I Got The Stinger - Stomp Off S.O.S. 1044 )

While touring through England 25 years ago, the French Hot Antic Jazz Band gave a concert in Bath (GB). The tune Waste No Tears has been released on a 1982 Stomp Off LP I Got The Stinger. On the cover of the record they call themselves Five Crazy Syncopated Guys from France. They want to bring the music of Jabbo Smith, the man who was known for his hot jazz style of trumpet playing in the late 1920s. Jabbo Smith was, a they say, the only trumpet player that could beat Louis Armstrong. I like their music very much, because it is spontanious and it sounds very authentic. They made a tour with Jabbo Smith through France, Switzerland and Italy in March 1982 and these records, with Jabbo singing some beautiful ballads, belongs to my favorites.

The Hot Antic Jazz Band belongs to a group of typical traditional jazz bands like Charquet et Co, the Orphean Celesta or the Petit Jazzband de Mr. Morel. Great music, always hot and as I remember, a little party to be on one of their concerts. Unfortunally I never heard the Hot Antic Jazz Band live on stage, but I was at a concert with the Orpheon Celesta and the Le Petit Jazzband de Mr. Morel.

The band is still active and on tour nowadays, so if you have the possibility join their party !!

Orpheon Celesta: Maastricht (Netherlands) 12 October 1985
Le Petit Jazzband de Mr. Morel:
Breda, 22 May 1998

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hollywaiians: 1936 and 2006

Today, seventy years ago, 6 April 1936 the Sol K. Bright Hollywaiians recorded two songs titled Rena Awapuhi and Tahiti Nui. This now long forgotten group plays music in the Hawaiian style using the slide guitar like musicans as Roy Schmeck. I do have this recorded somewhere hidden between on a CD between hundreds of MP3 files. This Hawaiian style music was very popular in the 1930s, not only in the US but also in Holland with groups like the Kilima Hawaiians. To be honest - I like the original 1930s tunes the best. I have no info about this Sol K. Bright Hollywaiians group, but I like the name. I opened my Google search sites hoping to find some mage or info about this artist. I learned that some tunes of the group have been reissued on CD and that a modern Japanese group, that makes music in the style of Roy Schmeck exists, the Sweet Hollywaiians. It's a Japanese group with Tomotaku Matsui on steel guitar and ukulele , Nobumasa Taka on guitar, Kouki Shiren on ukulele and Kouichi Tsutsumishita on double bass. Guest player is Misako Ooe on vocal. Exotic names from the Far East that play music from the South Sea. As their websites are written in Japanese characters it is impossible to get information about these guys ( and one lady) ( the vocalist is a lady), but one can derive some interesting facts reading their sites. Tomotaku got his inspiration from Roy Schmeck, Sol Hoopi and Carl Kress. Great !! Nobumasa likes Dick McDonough and Allan Reuss, Kouki is inspired by Django ( who else). Great to learn that these unknown musicians are inspired by musicians that are in my record collection too and love to hear.

It convinces me that jazz music ( I call this style a kind of improvised music, so it's a kind of jazz) is a world wide phenomenal that brings all people all over the world together.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Let's Have Another Cup O' Coffee

A few month ago Jan Hovers, a Dutch record collector, started to enlarge his virtual ware house filled with old records. One of the records he wants to share with you is the 1932 Phil Spitalny Hit of the week recording Let's Have Another Cup O' Coffee. More information about this project is to be found at my Hit of the week web log .

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Jackie McLean ( 1932 - 2006 )

Friday 31st March 2006 Jackie McLean died at the age of 73. He was one of the last living legends of the 1950s and 1960s Blue Note recordings. His discography is very extensive ( Jackie McLean records ) and he played with musicians as Sonny Rollins, Miles Davis, Paul Bley, George Wallington, Charles Mingus and Art Blakey. He had his own group since 1958, mostly a quintet.

He visited Eyrope several times. I saw him at the 2004 North Sea Jazz Festival in The Hague and I remember a small incident I love to share with you.

As the members of the band were not listed in the program ( Jackie McLean Quartet ( Jackie McLean (alto sax) rest of the line up t.b.a. )) I was waiting for the things to come. Microphones were tested, instruments were brought on stage and suddenly I recogniced Jackie McLean from one of the images on my Blue Note covers. But, .... I wondered, that's strange as the Blue Note were released in the 1960s. When the preparations were finished and the group ready to take off the quartet seemed to be a quintet and the young Jackie McLean his son Rene on alto beside his father.The funural will be on Friday, 7 th April 2006: Abyssinian Baptist Church 10:00 in the morning at 132 Odell Place (138th Street) between Adam Clayton Powell Jr. & Malcolm X Boulevards 7th& Lenox Avenues) in New York City.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Concert: James Spaulding + Rein de Graaff Trio - 3

On 2nd April 2006 the Rein de Graaff Trio with James Spaulding as special guest gave a concert at the Porgy en Bess Jazz Club in Terneuzen ( The Netherlands). James Spaulding, now 68 years old, convinced being an experienced side man for years beside artists like trumpet player Freddie Hubbard. He playes the flute in a light and lyrical way, but personally I enjoy his driving saxophone playing more. He is a creative hard-bop player. He shows himself as an spired entertainer, sharing remembrances of his early carreer with Freddie Hubbard and his personal view on mankind.

His backing group, the Rein de Graaff Trio, with Rein de Graaff on piano, Marius Beets on double bass and Eric Ineke on drums, plays like a well-trained machine, as usually; three very talented musicians. Mind that Rein de Graaff and Eric Ineke, playing mates for years, are used to each other for 35 years now, mostly as a backing up group for US stars. Marius Beets, who will be part of Eric Ineke's new hard bop group JazzXpress, being a talented bass player for more then 12 years, released his own album on Maxander Records last year with his own big band arrangements.

More info: Porgy en Bess Jazz Club

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Recycled in Duinlust

Eetcafé pension Duinlust in Dishoek (Koudekerke) is onlangs overgenomen door twee jonge enthousiaste mensen. Ze willen mensen trekken met live jazz - een prima initiatief. Vandaag om 15.00 uur speelt in hun zaak de band Recycled. Heel veel succes Suzanne en Yuri. We komen zeker een keer genieten !!

In de Porgy en Bess Jazz club, Terneuzen vanmiddag het Rein de Graaff Trio met James Spaulding. Aanvang 16.00 uur.

Morgen hierover meer !!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Steve Houben Trio - 3

This time my favorite is a rather unknown Belgian band:


Steve Houben as, f, vo
Diederik Wissels p,
Jan de Haas d, perc., vo

Recorded ca 1991.

Enjoy it.